Pet Peeves - What Pisses You Off?

When someone refuses to let you in the lane. They actually speed up to prevent you from merging. So in return I keep on merging until they get scared and let me In.
When the dumbass FedEx guy leaves a whole pile of boxes covered with EVO tape on my neighbors door step. Had my name and correct address on all the boxes but was delivered 3 doors down the street.
When my idiot boss passes all his work off onto me, calling it "presents" with a dopey grin. Then he goes out back to smoke every 20 minutes and complains about everything and how much work he has to do.
With all the rain here in Florida. Seeing idiots driving with their 4 ways on. Drives me crazy. We know your scared , but the damn flashing lights is now blinding me. Oh and by the way it's against the Law .
With all the rain here in Florida. Seeing idiots driving with their 4 ways on. Drives me crazy. We know your scared , but the damn flashing lights is now blinding me. Oh and by the way it's against the Law .

Amen!!! If you feel the need to put your hazards on, pull off the road!!!!
With all the rain here in Florida. Seeing idiots driving with their 4 ways on. Drives me crazy. We know your scared , but the damn flashing lights is now blinding me. Oh and by the way it's against the Law .

Thank you! Morons don't realize it actually makes it HARDER to see if you are stopped or moving! I can't wait to retire and gtfo of Miami......
shit in my corn flakes

Wow, I like it here.

Yes the flasher people do suck. but they give you something to aim for if you need to take somebidy out, I'd hate to take out a fellow Jeep.

I'll be quick,

Piss on a toilet seat.
Fat peple riding scooters and then not plugging them back in so I can ride cause I'm lazy.
Skinny people judging me cause I get my Mt. Dew supersized with my #2, #4, and 20 piece nugget.

Jeeps that backed into the local offroad shop and everything stuck to it and then has no scratches, dents, road grime, bird poop, bug splatters, clean frame rails and over coated armor all on the tires. More commonly known as the Mall Cruiser.

Bernie people
Clinton People
Trump people
BLM people, Both black lives mater and bureau of land mismanagment

When someone rides next to you on the road, then speeds up and slows down with you, then cuts you off and turns.
Getting ghosted while texting.

Side neck tattoos

Chaffing and mud butt

Thanks for listening. Cheers:beer:
I might not be able to spell every word, but typically Google does. So with that, know the difference in sell/sale or brake and break....

People who come into work and then choose to cut their finger nails... those with constant running noses and don't know how to use a tissue.
The cleaning lady at work who takes her sweet time to clean the men's room, or the vacuum she uses that should like a 747 on take off...
Girls that still play "the game" if you want to talk to me just send the goddamn text in a reasonable amount of time, not this 2 hour response bullshit.
Friends that say alright I'll leave in a few mins. An hour later you ask where they are and get the oh shit I still haven't left yet.
People saying "Porsh" instead of "Porsha" I work for Porsche....
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