My new Coilovers. :)


New member
Finally got my Evolever and DoubleThrowdown installed. I need to do a few tweaks to the Evolever mounts on the rear axle because I installed everything with my Rock Krawler X Factor Long Arm control arms instead buying new Evo control arms.

Since the rear axle is moved back an inch with the RK control arms, I may make some new brackets to put the Evolever mounts more to the front of the axle instead of trying to work with them on top of my axle where they compete for space with my truss/bridge that supports my upper control arm. Instead of the EvoLever heims being straight up and down between the axle mounting location and at the pivot point, they are at a slight angle pointing towards the rear of my Jeep. The axle is slightly behind the pivot arm that the coilovers and bypasses connect too, so I need to move the axle mounting point forward an inch to get the heims to be perpendicular.

Here are a couple of pics while my JK was on a rack at the exhaust shop to get the rear exhaust rerouted.

Evolever small.jpgFront Coilovers1 small.jpg
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So you were able to get the Evolever to work with your RK 3-link setup? Evo told me they weren't compatible.

When I talked to EVO, they told me that it would work if I could get my track bar to clear the upper control arm.

It works, but I had to move the upper control arm to the center hole in the truss, so that the track bar would fit over the top of it. RK told me that they would build a custom track bar for me if I needed one, but their track bar works.

I may get a new RK track bar though that is a little longer with a little more bend in it. I want more clearance over the upper control arm, so that I can move the control arm back to the top hole in the truss. With the control arm in the center hole of the truss, the anti-squat is more than I want and my JK rides a little stiffer over bumps because of it.

It is also a pain to work around the truss to make room for the pivot point heim mounting brackets on the axle. My brackets work, but I think that I'm going to move them forward of the truss since the axle has been moved back an inch with the RK control arms.
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