Thanks to our female member Army_Vet

Okay dude. You can keep on arguing your point. My guess is it's not going to change anything.

like i said before my words are falling on deaf ears... all i want is for everyone to stop this bs and actually build each other up and it does not matter if we ever meet, being kind and uplifting to others is never a bad idea.
I know this is a hard concept but hear me out. If you don't reply to this thread it will go by the wayside. When you keep responding saying the same thing over and over and well, over, you're bringing it back up to the top and beating a dead horse. Everyone is over it but a few certain people.
Damn bro, let it go. Who gives a shite if he's still here or not. Some secret long distance man crush going on here?

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The word shite may refer to:
The shite, the principal character in a Japanese Noh play;
Shite, the person who performs the technique in aikido;
A variation of shit, especially in Ireland and the UK.

Didn't really get to the end to see if anyone put this out there, but perhaps it's not the vets that are still among us who this is most offensive and insensitive to, perhaps a tongue in cheek "Thanks" is most disrespectful to the ones who made the ultimate sacrifice, and their families who can no longer feel the embrace of their loved ones. Seeing how we are a nation still at war, and service members are still coming home in boxes you should consider having a little more sensitivity towards them and keep what's between you and "some guy" on the internet between the two of you.....just sayin ...

Funny I didn't get offended at all by this thread, I bet my wife would say the same if we were in the same country.

I can only speak for myself. For what that is worth - add four bucks and you can get a Starbucks.... I am not offended.

For me it is a matter of mind over matter..... I do not mind, because you do not matter!

Not being offensive or confrontational but the truth is that your opinion of me has no effect on my life or the quality thereof. I know who I am, what I've done and what is important to me. If the comments, jokes, jabs and (perceived) insults of others can have an effect on my mood then I need to develop thicker skin or a spine!!!

I've left soldiers behind, and nothing anyone who was not there can say will diminish what they gave for all of us and what they will always mean to me. It just seems to me that as a group "we" have become spoiled by so many people thanking us for our service. I wish to believe that the surge of patriotism in this country is sincere and will endure, but I have my doubts. People are fickle and have short memories... That having been said, who "thanked" the veterans returning home from Vietnam??!!?? When is the last time you shook the hand of a WWII veteran?? The Greatest Generation ever!!

I serve my country because it is what I feel I am supposed to do in life - at this time. Someday I'm sure to be a Walmart greeter or a security guard at the mall.... Someday. For now, I serve. Not for your respect or gratitude but for my love of my country. Period. Please feel free to speak your mind, joke and enjoy life. You will not offend me.

Just lend a hand when I get stuck on a trail and I will do the same.......

Sent from my iPad using WAYALIFE mobile app.......

Great post!!!! Semper Fidelis Brother! Oh what for you it would be "This We'll Defend", unless it was Iraq after OIF-1................ :sFun_tease::beer:

Well Brankz, mom and I were trying to think of an easy way to tell you this.....but army_vet has gone to the "old soldier's home". He is in a better place :sigh:

You crack me up! :cheesy::cheesy:

I'm just waiting for a jeep on a forklift pic. Over and over and over.

Tig it s nice to see that you care but the short is they don't. You will just have to except it. Sorry but it is what it is and it will happen again. Let it go or it will eat you up. you are basically:banghead: .
Custom lift kits! Where's yours? I can help install it. Just like your winch if it works awesome. If not blame the other guys.

I was informed your the fallout guy.....:thinking:[/QUOTE]

Wrong thread, this gos in the random pics
For the love of god... REALLY???? Is this stupid thread STILL going on???? :naw:

Please note that I am only responding on this thread because I see that my name has come back into it. As you may not know, I have been in SoCal since Tuesday and spent yesterday evening having dinner and catching up with old friends. Needless to say, I've had much better things to do with my time and life than to be concerned with stupid banter going on the internet. Having said that, I honestly don't know what the problem is here but a lot of that is probably because I haven't been following the stupidness. So you know, Army_Vet had contacted me about this a couple of days ago and from what I've gathered since then, it sounds like he drew a line in the sand and challenged people to cross it and when things didn't go the way he wanted, he was unapologetic about it and felt that he should just be able to move on like nothing happened. In other words, he wanted to have his cake and eat it too. Unfortunately for him, the people he challenged didn't agree and have since been giving him grief over it. Whether or not that's how you all see it, that's the way all this looks to me. To that end, I think I have already done more than I normally would and have responded to Army_Vet and with advice that I think would make all this go away.

1.) He needs to swallow his pride, own up to the fact that he created this mess for himself and apologize for it. Granted, nothing about this is easy to do but in my opinion, it takes a real man to be able to do it. If he did and if people still gave him shit, I would be the first to back him up.

2.) He could simply leave the forum, discourage his friends from making things worse and just move on.

I'm not gonna lie, any respect I may have had for Army_Vet is quickly fading away. The fact that he's chosen to take this prideful and cowardly stance makes me cringe. The fact that he stands silently by while his friends pick fights for him RATHER THAN at least fight with them is utterly nauseating - or at least, for me anyway.

For the record, I don't know Army_Vet from adam and NONE OF THIS is personal. If I sound irritated, it's because I hate when people whine at me and I really hate feeling like some kind of babysitter. If ANY of you don't like it here, really, NOBODY IS MAKING YOU STAY.
True that! Sorry you get bothered with little shit. I find it interesting from the sidelines.

Sent from my iPad using WAYALIFE mobile app.......
I know this is a hard concept but hear me out. If you don't reply to this thread it will go by the wayside. When you keep responding saying the same thing over and over and well, over, you're bringing it back up to the top and beating a dead horse. Everyone is over it but a few certain people.

^^^^^^ this.

Sent via secret squirrel underground network.
To all of those I have had harsh words with in the past; I harbor no ill will; I wish you all the best of luck in the future.

To the forum: A little about me. Some back story. Like most of you I lurked on a few forums when I was looking for and first bought my jeep. I found this forum and enjoyed what I read here. It just seemed different from the rest. Better. Watched the vids; fell in love with the Jeep family that was represented. I fell hard. I never even looked at another forum after that. This is a personality defect of mine but I don't regret having it. At times I become loyal to a fault. It is all me; and I will never apologize for that. So in short I have found love for what I saw as my Jeep family in this Wayalife community.

For those not familiar with where this all started; it was in a drama thread similar to this one where two of my family members were having some words. I jumped in to try and interject something that was bothering me. It went something like ("the saying of its just the internet, let it go" bothered me because I don't see it that way. I saw it as a family. My wayalife family.) Then I said I bet most people on here saw things the same way as I do, and issued a bet. The consequences for losing that bet would be me leaving Wayalife. I used an incorrect word and actually said "what brought you to Wayalife" This one word mix up was a mistake and I believe if anyone goes back and reads the original post in context should agree. Not that you will agree; I am just saying I feel you should see it that way.

Ok so the bet concluded and I lost. There were a few who thought I should honor my word; but stated they couldn't care less if I stayed. I also got much more support to stay. Saying things like this is too dumb a situation to have you leave over. So I did. Did I apologize to those who were offended at me making a bet. No I didn't. I didn't think an apology was in order. And moreover I said I would never apologize for trying to show everyone why we love Wayalife.

During the week that followed I would log on and read snide comments from those who "couldn't care less about me" saying how much of a girl I am, and how I am not a "Man".
I tried to address these in and out of PM and even tried the report post button on the lower left corner of every post and PM box. The report post button sends a message to every forum moderator. What they are supposed to do with this info is set up in guidelines between the mod's and the admin. I don't know what it is. But what I can tell you they did do with these reports was increase the name calling/ harassing posts. And it seems like they even shared this info with non mods in the clique, because somehow they knew. Did they share the reports with non mods? I don't know, and I don't really care. Just seemed odd to me.

After that I chose to just ignore it. Well when do you end a fight with a Shark? When the Shark is done with you, not before. And that leads us to this thread. So I appealed to Eddie and asked if he would do something about this open harassment. I said if he chose not to I would respect his decision and just live with it, and find a way to ignore it. He gave me some great advice and I thanked him for his time.

His advice was to apologize for issuing an ultimatum that I could not live up to. I don't feel I issued and such thing. So I went on just ignoring the "fuck_me" thread as I have nicknamed it. Well this was a no-go. And it leads me to here;

It is with a heavy heart I will log out of Wayalife, I have found good friends here and I will miss chatting with you guys.

For you personally Eddie I jumped to your defense at every skirmish you had. Did you need me too? No. Did you want me to? Most likely didn't matter to you. And that is fine, I did it because I wanted to. I did it out of a sense of loyalty, and In every case you were right. I supported every decision you made here because it is just the right thing to do. All I asked was for a little help in your forum and said I would support your decision not to help.

I do wish you the best of luck and harbor no ill will.

Also I never asked any of my friends to fight for me; and I did ask them not to post. They did what they did of their own accord.

I hope you get the impression that I am not intending to get in any fights here; I am not looking for any flaming back and forth, and I hope that anyone that wishes to "dissect and flame" sees this for what it is. Just a classy way to say goodbye.

I'm positive it will still happen, but just try to keep it classy for the rest of the members still here.

Thanks for reading this far, Mark
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