Fallen Heros Jeep - Eddie is Anti-Veterans

Does it bother anyone else that the fallenheroescar site was a .org? I realize the original purpose of the five top level domains has been manipulated over time, but to me the use of .org implied a certain organizational structure and purpose that clearly wasn't true.

You can buy into any domain you want. .org just means he paid more for the name..
WOW!!! After reading all of this I'm sure he will be selling his Jeep ASAP, and move on to another project so he can start his Shinanagins all over on a new crowd.

I really hope CBS 5 can expose him for what it appears he's been doing...
Does it bother anyone else that the fallenheroescar site was a .org? I realize the original purpose of the five top level domains has been manipulated over time, but to me the use of .org implied a certain organizational structure and purpose that clearly wasn't true.

^^^ I too caught on to this but wasnt sure if others would. I think he knew exactly what he was implying with the .org.

- Jason
For a charitable organization that supposedly helped to raise over $500,000 in 7 years, I'm surprised that the website fallenheroecar.org no longer exists. Certainly, it would have served as resume material - a testament showing just how successful it was and it would also have served as a strong link source to any new website you might start. Of course, this .org is nothing more than a redirect to fallenheroesjeep.com and with the exception of what Robert Basil will "tell" people, next to ZERO real information can be found regarding it. I wonder why? :naw:
My wife works for Chevron and I work on a Chevron lease daily, so needless to say when I saw that Chevron donated "Event Travel Gas Cards", I wanted to do some investigating on whether or not Chevron did donate anything to him or FallenHereoesJeep.com.

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Chevron has a division called Humankind which all contributions to charitable (notice the word choice) go through. They have a document (see link below) that clarifies what organizations qualify and which do not. I cannot find any thing that would indicate that FallenHeroesJeep.com qualifies as a charity that Chevron would donate "Over $1,000" to.

Chevron Humankind Guidelines

Chevron allows their employees to make contributions in which they'll match the contribution. They have an internal database of all approved charities to donate to. If Chevron or one of it's employees has donated to an organization, it will show up in this database so that other employees could easily make contributions. Guess which name you won't find in that database????? Robert Basil, FallenHeroesJeep.com, FallenHeroesCar.com.

So I wonder how long before Mr. Basil deletes from his website that Chevron donated "Event Travel Gas Cards"????

You have got to be kidding me? Are you saying that there is no record of Chevron donating anything to this scammer?? :naw:
Well planned facade.......he chose .org because it perceives his site to be more legit and might have convinced quite a few people or vendors into donating.......slick SOB

For snoopy people there is a website you may find very useful. It aggregates personal info from all kinds of websites. Its interesting if for no reason other than just to check out what personal info you have floating around...

You have got to be kidding me? Are you saying that there is no record of Chevron donating anything to this scammer?? :naw:

It appears that way. There is a database of all of the organizations that Chevron has donated to and nowhere in database is Robert Basil or any of the scams he's affiliated with.
Well planned facade.......he chose .org because it perceives his site to be more legit and might have convinced quite a few people or vendors into donating.......slick SOB


So there is no mistake, "donating" is the key word here.
Mr. Douche-Basil self appointed himself as a PR firm for whatever veteran's charity he could use to market his website......the more events he attended the more he was able to market his website......people attending the events would assume what he was doing was a just cause and admirable.......they'd then go to his website and donate thinking they were helping fallen heroes but in reality they were just filling this POS's pockets with blood money.......he did the same with the vendors I'm sure.......he preyed on compassionate people who gave from the heart.......all under the guise of what he was doing was noble and for a great cause........he built this persona up over the last few years.....putting in his time building up this ruse little by little......taking in who knows how much tax free cash from people and freebies from vendors......truly an abhorrent and disgusting way to make a living......and to top it all off.......this cretin is an Army veteran no less..........Karma Mr. Douche-Basil........Karma

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Here is another thing i have issues with JKF Admin Speedlimit, he claims:

"It shifted to the messenger which I chalk up partly to a naive understanding of online media "

To which I call total BS, I have seen where Robert Basil has been involved with one forum or another since at lease 2004. Plus all the other social media sites he can be found on. "Naive Understanding" that's BS!!!!
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.org means nothing to me and it hasn't ever implied credibility to any Non-profit that may use that suffix.
Our church is "just" a .com website and we have over $1.5 million come through every year.

Also, as far as churches are concerned, here in Californication a church does not have to have 501(c)3 status with the Feds to accept tax-free donations, but they must be registered as a Not-For-Profit Religious Corporation in our state.

We went through the arduous process of becoming a 501(c)3 a decade ago and glad we did - I believe that 501(c)3 registration does bring with it a credibility that many donors look for. We have, however, been a Not-For-Profit Religious Corporation in CA for over 29 years.

As I said on the WAL Facebook page - My Father was a Naval officer in WWII and earned 2@ purple heart ribbons for being blown overboard in the Pacific by a Japanese attack on their ship. If he was alive today I have no doubt that he would hunt down this Basil guy and beat the tar out of him all across Arizona or wherever he lives. True heroes have little stomach for the kind that lies to their daughter that he won ribbons for bravery when in fact he never did, and admits such.
Cowards are often liars that play off people's emotions as we all have tender feelings for our true heroes and true Veterans. There's a Youtube channel dedicated to outing all the fake Seal Team members that make a living by lying all over America.
A call to the VFW Hall in his city would probably be enough for them to go a straighten this fellow out.

just my :twocents:
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