2011 exhaust manifold cracks


New member
Has anyone had issues with right side exhaust manifold breaks..if so, did you replace it with an aftermarket one or oem...thks..
Pics? I think I have a bit of an exhaust leak as well. Goes away when it's warm.

you have to remove the shield.

if you have remote start, you can look at the manifold and when you start is up you will see some exhaust blow out from under the shield before it warms up.
you have to remove the shield.

if you have remote start, you can look at the manifold and when you start is up you will see some exhaust blow out from under the shield before it warms up.

if you decide to replace it, it was a snap...took about four hrs to do...I removed my wheel well splash shield but ended up getting it out topside by the master cylinder....#2 exhaust port was broken 3/4's the way around tube...
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