2012 and later Button option


My project for the this last weekend. Trying to figure out where to put a button pod without drilling into the dash. For us JK Sport owners, with no power windows we have wasted space right between the center vents. Perfect place for a set a switches, and perfect removable option. The center cubby pops out from the back by pressing down then out. I didn't like cutting it apart, but it had to be done. You can use whatever you have to make the button plate, I used an old stay fresh cereal container, cut it, drilled the holes, formed it to the rounded cubby, painted it with truck bed liner, inserted my super bright leds switches, and krazy glued it to the cut down cubby (might have to epoxy if it doesn't hold), and done. I didn't get any in progress pics, I always forget to do that for a proper write up. If there is any questions about the process, just ask, I'll be happy help where I can.

That looks so sick !! I still don't know why the power window switches are on the dash.

2013 JKUR 4" Enforcer lift w/ 35" fierce attitude MTs , RR modular front bump w/ warnvr8k
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