2015 WAYALIFE Pilgrimage to the Promised Land MEGA THREAD


Staff member
Unlike most years where Cindy and I head out to Moab and spend a week there attending the Easter Jeep Safari, we decided to change things up a bit this year and make our pilgrimage to the promised land more of a trek and one that loosely follows a route up Colorado River. This thread has been created so that everyone joining us on this epic journey can post up photos of all the things we see and do and I hope you will enjoy following us along on our adventures. :cool:
To kick things off, here's a shot of Moby on the rack as I do a final check before packing him up.

Unlike most years where Cindy and I head out to Moab and spend a week there attending the Easter Jeep Safari, we decided to change things up a bit this year and make our pilgrimage to the promised land more of a trek and one that loosely follows a route up Colorado River. This thread has been created so that everyone joining us on this epic journey can post up photos of all the things we see and do and I hope you will enjoy following us along on our adventures. :cool:

I wish i could join you guys on this pilgrimage at least once in this lifetime. In the meantime i wish you guys a safe trip, have a lot of fun and be sure i'm going to be following every step/pic or post about Moab.

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I'm starting to get all our gear packed up. The hardest part so far is not getting the kids ready to go with us. Thank goodness my mom will be watching them at our house and taking them to school while were gone. :yup: Amy and I are ready to start this epic trip with everyone. :honey:
Came home from running some final errands to find that Amy has spoiled us. She took the time to make us her awesome 7-layer bars. They may not all make it to dessert in Laughlin tomorrow, just saying. 😂😂

I call dibs on getting the first decal that looks like your avatar. That is awesome looking!! See you guys soon. :thumb:

Glad you like it! We'll be working on getting these out soon :)

Came home from running some final errands to find that Amy has spoiled us. She took the time to make us her awesome 7-layer bars. They may not all make it to dessert in Laughlin tomorrow, just saying. 😂😂

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Wow! That looks yummy!!
Bummed I'm not going to meet up with you guys in Moab like I had planned.......the delivery of the axles to TJ pushed back the build start date (looks to be the 1st week of May now)......Maybe we will be able to get out west on another run later this year........I wish you guys the best.....have fun.....and stay safe!

*Be sure to post up lots of pics to show me what I'm missing and make me feel shittier :thumb: :cheesy:

Ill be out in Moab next weekend though my rig cant yet hang with the likes of Moby. If I run into you guys in town lets get a beer or five.
we decided to change things up a bit this year and make our pilgrimage to the promised land more of a trek and one that loosely follows a route up Colorado River.
Sounds like an epic road trip. Can't wait to see some of the back country between Carson City and Moab, drinking exotic brews, and just showing us more off the beaten path monuments of our history out West.
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