A change of pace.


New member
I've not been able to spend a lot of time on the forum the last few months, busy with work and life. That's about to change in the coming months, I'm a truck driver, my wife is a LEO here. In the fall a few positions came available for my wife, by taking one it meant a move to a smaller town. So we took stock of what we wanted for ourselves and our kids, it wasn't a hard decision with my job being so up and down. Unfortunately we will be parting with our jeep:( it just won't work for us as we will be going down to one vehicle , we will be towing an RV a fair bit so we'll be trading it for a truck. Hopefully we'll be able to pick up a TJ or another JK soon, where we are going has a ton of good areas for exploring and a jeep is the best for that. I was just getting my JKU dialled in to:(

This is a video done by another member on here, it's where we are moving. Valemount sit at the foot hills of three major mountain ranges, the Rockies, the Kootneys, and the Monashees, I'm looking forward to getting up there. https://vimeo.com/104376224
Looks like a beautiful place to move to shame you have to let the jeep go. Hopefully what ever you get will be able to take you to the back country.
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