A Douche is Just a Shower: Vive La France

Blablabla again.........Mais en fait tu dois être vraiment très con pour ne pas comprendre. Ou alors tu as été fait avec de la pissé. Tu choisis.

You keep attempting to insult MY intelligence ; and in your desperate attempt to do so, you keep forgetting to read and comprehend the posts in the thread. which is what got you tangled up in this shit storm to begin with.

so in response; No, I understand FULLY! on the contrary you are the one to stupid to comprehend. READ :naw::doh:
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I you read correctly I was not the one starting to say "you treated us as racist" over a nationality but one of your fellow members. So point that to him.

Think what ever you want , but if you started using the proper nickname (not the insulting dude thing ) all of this would have been irrelevant.
All starts with bad manners calling people bad names instead of their proper nickname.

So that I can understand, you are from France correct? Which would mean you are French correct? You are also a male correct? So you would be a dude, correct? So if this is all correct how is "Frenchdude" "racist" as you say which would have to deal with your race not your geological location, or how is it derogatory?

As for the Texan redneck i feel pitty for him thinking the way he does and his retired jokes.

So its not ok for everybody else to be "racist and derogatory" but its perfectly fine for you to do it?
So its not ok for everybody else to be "racist and derogatory" but its perfectly fine for you to do it?

In regards, I would like the record to show at NO point was I (Here in this thread referred to as "Texan Redneck" or whatever lmao) EVER racist nor did I make any derogatory comments regarding geographical location OR race... I implore everyone to READ the thread.
In regards, I would like the record to show at NO point was I (Here in this thread referred to as "Texan Redneck" or whatever lmao) was NEVER "racist nor did I make any derogatory comments regarding geographical location OR race... I implore everyone to READ the thread.

Whatever......you inbred, hillbillie, corn-fed, Bush-supporting, desert dweller...... :cheesy:
"French" is not a race you ignorant troll.

I was about to post the same thing.

I took the "French dude " for my self and it's insulting and racist to be called like that. (maybe not for you ?)
Dont get me wrong, I know how a lot of US citizens see us on the old continent as douchbags and scum saved from the nazi, without you we would speak german blablabla.
I did get mistreated by the US border control when arriving for every single trip be it in Houston, Dallas , NY and LA. So it does not help.

FRENCH is a term used to describe people who live in FRANCE. Many types and races of FRENCH people live in FRANCE.
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