A little help?


Chrysler called me and left a voice mail since I was un able to answer my phone. An apology was left and they asked me to call them back.

When I called back, they apologized for any inconvenience that I had experienced, then expressed that they would like to put me into a new 2014.

Chrysler expressed that the way I was treated was not acceptable and this should of been taken care of immediately.

Within an hour of that call (probably 10 or 20 mins) I received a call from the dealer; a sales associate. He stated he would be handling the replacement and to come in and ask for him or the sales manager.

Once I arrived, I met the sales associate that called me; we sat down and went over the features of my rig. He asked what colors I would entertain, brought up some Jeeps, and said take your pick.

I've never had to do this before so I don't know if it's expected or not - Chrysler paid all my negative and threw in a few other things to make up for what I dealt with.

I learned a few things and have some insight if anyone else experiences this.
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Chrysler called me and left a voice mail since I was un able to answer my phone. An apology was left and they asked me to call them back.

When I called back, they apologized for any inconvenience that I had experienced, then expressed that they would like to put me into a new 2014.

Chrysler expressed that the way I was treated was not acceptable and this should of been taken care of immediately.

Within an hour of that call (probably 10 or 20 mins) I received a call from the dealer; a sales associate. He stated he would be handling the replacement and to come in and ask for him or the sales manager.

Once I arrived, I met the sales associate that called me; we sat down and went over the features of my rig. He asked what colors I would entertain, brought up some Jeeps, and said take your pick.

I've never had to do this before so I don't know if it's expected or not - Chrysler paid all my negative and threw in a few other things to make up for what I dealt with.

I learned a few things and have some insight if anyone else experiences this.

Wow, glad to hear they finally got their shit together and stopped jerking you around. They should have never let it get to this point and its a dam shame such things happen but I'm glad you are getting your just deserts. Thanks for sharing your experience with us. Let us know what color you get :beer:

The Force will be with you.... always
Wow, just wow!

See the title? Wow. Number one, I can't believe that you got so jerked around like that, by both Chrysler and the dealership. That freaking blows goats. :icon_crazy: And I am glad that Chrysler was able to come through for you and get it all squared away.

I do have an unrelated question for you Voodoo, do you rund a page on facebook called American Badass?

Great page and lots of military related humor and general badassery. :beer:
I know it's a reach, but you are obviously military, and was just wondering. And how did I know you're military, pretty easy. Voodoo Actual and riky-tik were dead give aways.
wow thats awesome! sorry you had to get jerked around but it the end it worked in your favor :rock: :thumb:
Wow pretty new JK!

Any other pro-tips on wording, dealer procedures, etc, if another one of us ends up going through the same ordeal?
See the title? Wow. Number one, I can't believe that you got so jerked around like that, by both Chrysler and the dealership. That freaking blows goats. :icon_crazy: And I am glad that Chrysler was able to come through for you and get it all squared away.

I do have an unrelated question for you Voodoo, do you rund a page on facebook called American Badass?

Great page and lots of military related humor and general badassery. :beer:
I know it's a reach, but you are obviously military, and was just wondering. And how did I know you're military, pretty easy. Voodoo Actual and riky-tik were dead give aways.

Good page.

Related story:
Recently I recently asked a co worker to complete a task followed by, "Riki-tik!" He said I must be old because the last time he heard that was when one of his seniors said it to him. I said, and? He said, he was a SSGT at the time! I said I'm showing my age...riki-tik youngin'. lol

As far as dealing with these situations:

The offending dealer/service etc will always try to convince you that you are crazy. You are not. They are trying to get out of footing the bill.

When they try to tell you the issues are normal, stop them dead in their tracks and affirm they are not normal, this is not your first vehicle, and they are insulting your intelligence by trying to convince you they are.

When they try to guide you to another room so customers don't hear the conversation, tell them talking right here, in the middle of the floor is just fine. If the room empties out because of the conversation, that's not your problem.

There are no fees or charges for you to pay. Do not let them convince you there is. When something like this happens, the burden of cost is theirs not yours.

If they argue with you immediately go up the chain of command. Ask for names and contact numbers. Their names are not private. They are representatives of Chrysler, Jeep, and Mopar. Whether or not they like they name and info being given out is irrelevant. Escalate the situation as much as you need to and as quickly as you can. Get on it.

The Lemon Law is not negotiable. Do not let them try to tell you it is. Advise them you are educated in the Lemon Law by means of seeking council and the Lemon Law is an included document when you purchased your vehicle. The Lemon Law is there to protect you, the consumer. Not them.

Be polite. Sort of.

Record everything - pretty easy with an iPhone.

Good enough, isn't.
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