Any creative ideas


New member
Anybody come up with any creative ideas in what to do with the holes in the fender after chopping the flares? Just looking to clean it up a little if possible.

I find it funny you're worried about a couple holes and not the missing front bumper......I kid I kid.... Maybe some rubber plugs?

You could make the one closest to the tire larger and put a marker light there.
I kept my fenders there for that reason, and what I feel to be a little more support. I would hit a hardware store and see what kind of plastic push in plugs you can find, or even an auto store....kinda of like the ones used to hold in the rear liners. You can always paint them to match as well, I know that was a trend a while back for cars that had holes drilled for front license plates that didnt need them to be.
could plug them with the xmas tree plugs that hold the trim on and color match paint them red or paint the indented mounting area black.
I like the side market idea. Maybe I'll paint the area black and do a side marker along with a xmas tree plug. Thanks for the ideas
I cut my fenders similar to yours. I had a problem with them flopping in the wind and actually lost one while pulling my Jeep with my RV. I installed a screw on the top of the fender (going into the fender support) and haven't had an issue since. I also installed a marker light. I'll try to take a pic and post it here later.
I cut my fenders similar to yours. I had a problem with them flopping in the wind and actually lost one while pulling my Jeep with my RV. I installed a screw on the top of the fender (going into the fender support) and haven't had an issue since. I also installed a marker light. I'll try to take a pic and post it here later.

Thank you.
You can fill it with weld, grind smooth and paint. This method takes a lot of time but will good.

If you were to go this route make sure you turn the welder way down. Ive blown a couple holes in the rear of my Jeep doing this because the bodies on these JKs are so damn thin.
What about usinga couple LED's with rubber plugs (similar to Genrights)?


or just black rubber or plastic plugs?

Do you have pics of your Jeep with the trim you did (full side shot)? I bought an extra set of flares I was debating trimming somewhat similar, thanks!
Here is what I did, like I said tho I have fender there still for extra support. I would do the plugs and paint them.

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