Anyone LOVING LIFE? AKA - the 2021 L!FE IS GOOD AGAIN Thread


Staff member
I just wanted to say that I LOVE LIFE and things are really starting to be good again! I love that I can see smiles on peoples faces, I love that they're eager to shake my hand and even though I kinda liked it better before, I'm super happy that people are standing way too close to me at the grocery store like before. Of course, being able to dine at my favorite restaurants and drink at a crowded bar late into the night is nothing short of awesome! And really, I think the best part of 2021 or at least, how it's shaping up be, it's that I hear total strangers talk about normal, mundane things. Things like their kids, their garden, where they went to over the weekend and friends they just saw. Yup, life really is good again and I LOVE it!

Anyone else seeing good things happening in your neck of the woods? I'd love to hear all about it! (y)
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So, to kick this one off, I just came back home from a trip to Walmart. I had to go there to pick up some prescriptions and being the kind of town that Carson City is, all the blue hair lady tend to do their shopping and chores in the morning. Of course, this means I actually had to stand in a line and much to my pleasant surprise, I could see all their faces and that they were smiling and the lady behind me couldn't have been standing more than 2-3 feet away. In fact, everyone behind her was standing about the same distance and most were happily chatting away about a whole lot of nothing. It really was a refreshing experience. :)
I was just thinking about this as I walked in to work this morning WITHOUT BEING TOLD TO WEAR A MASK!! I'm kind of an introvert at heart but yes, it's nice to shake hands and even have old friends want a hug, even though I shrug them off. :ROFLMAO:
I was just thinking about this as I walked in to work this morning WITHOUT BEING TOLD TO WEAR A MASK!! I'm kind of an introvert at heart but yes, it's nice to shake hands and even have old friends want a hug, even though I shrug them off. :ROFLMAO:
LOL - That's awesome. (y)
Last week, out on the Rubicon, I got a chance to meet a lot of people who enjoy our videos and it was great to shake so many of their hands. It's a strange thing how that simple connection can be so meaningful. It's hard for me to think there was actually a time when some suggested that we never do it again.
Finally got a haircut without having to wear a mask....

I’m heading to AK tomorrow for two weeks in the serious outdoors, returning only to get my wife to head to CO to go to a concert, then spend a couple weeks on a beach in Hawaii...then head down to NV and sit in a stadium watching live football...

These are all things not possible last year...
Finally got a haircut without having to wear a mask....

I’m heading to AK tomorrow for two weeks in the serious outdoors, returning only to get my wife to head to CO to go to a concert, then spend a couple weeks on a beach in Hawaii...then head down to NV and sit in a stadium watching live football...

These are all things not possible last year...
How cool is that! (y)
Last week, out on the Rubicon, I got a chance to meet a lot of people who enjoy our videos and it was great to shake so many of their hands. It's a strange thing how that simple connection can be so meaningful. It's hard for me to think there was actually a time when some suggested that we never do it again.
I totally get what you are saying. It's like a blind guy getting sight back. A tap on the shoulder, a handshake, it all means so much more now.
I play a ton of golf and we live on a course. The member social stuff is starting to come back. In years past, the course hosts a "horserace" before club tourney stuff.. It basically starts with a huge group of people on the first tee and eliminates people through each few holes. People carry kegs, and basically full blown bars in their golf carts and it's basically a big rolling party with just a little bit of golf. After not having them last summer, we are having our first one in two years tomorrow night. Last I heard there are over 40 teams of two signed up. Pretty excited to see old friends and neighbors that have been pretty absent.
I totally get what you are saying. It's like a blind guy getting sight back. A tap on the shoulder, a handshake, it all means so much more now.
I play a ton of golf and we live on a course. The member social stuff is starting to come back. In years past, the course hosts a "horserace" before club tourney stuff.. It basically starts with a huge group of people on the first tee and eliminates people through each few holes. People carry kegs, and basically full blown bars in their golf carts and it's basically a big rolling party with just a little bit of golf. After not having them last summer, we are having our first one in two years tomorrow night. Last I heard there are over 40 teams of two signed up. Pretty excited to see old friends and neighbors that have been pretty absent.
Now that, is awesome!! What a hoot and so glad to hear it! (y)
Gearing up to go to my first concert in a year or so. Got tickets to see Dead & Co. in October and my buddy from Louisiana and his wife are coming to stay the weekend with my wife and I so we can all go together! Couldn’t be more excited to get back out with friends!
Gearing up to go to my first concert in a year or so. Got tickets to see Dead & Co. in October and my buddy from Louisiana and his wife are coming to stay the weekend with my wife and I so we can all go together! Couldn’t be more excited to get back out with friends!
Outstanding! (y)
I'm definitely loving life and how were back to normal, Alex and I went out last Friday night, had dinner and then hopped to 2 bars, didn't even bring a mask because there was no need, it was busy out too so nice to be around people for sure.
I'm definitely loving life and how were back to normal, Alex and I went out last Friday night, had dinner and then hopped to 2 bars, didn't even bring a mask because there was no need, it was busy out too so nice to be around people for sure.
Now that's what I like to hear! (y)
Its really great to hear that life is getting back to normal for people across the country, I know some places were hit with more rules than others.

For as bad as covid was with the economy and other areas, the shutdowns showed me something I forgot I was missing. I own 2 companies and my wife is an HR for a big hospital system, covid showed us that we were working way too much and not taking enough time to enjoy each other and rewards that our work had afforded us. We traveled more during the covid shutdown than we had in years. Our marriage of 22 years had always been great but being able to slow down made it even better.

So now we are really excited to see where the jeeps and off-roading takes us.
It is awesome seeing life get back to normal, at least in free America.

Of course the other day while in The District of Columbia (DC) I saw a woman driving in her Prius, ALONE with a mask and a face shield. 🤔🤣😂
It has been wonderful a little bit of normal coming back! But living in so cal our wonderful county just brought back mask requirements…. Fortunately there are a few of us that don’t listen to stupidity.
We had a grand opening party at one of my large scale projects today. No masks, no BS, just hundreds of people having fun and enjoying life once again. Not my favorite thing to do being in big groups like this, even before all the fun had started in 2020 I hated it, but it’s great to see everyone out and all dressed up!
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