Anyone self quarantined? AKA - the 2020 SH!T SHOW

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A ton of differences with us and Italy.

You forgot to mention cultural difference, our idea of “personal space” and how we greet each other.

And I’m not sure of anything. But in the philosophical words of one OverlanderJK “we may all die next week, but I sure as hell ain’t gonna worry about it this week”.

You know, yer gonna give that guy an ego [emoji849]

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Umm, I’m yellow people [emoji848]

Oh, and I feel safer from your bitching. Thank you. :thumb:

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No way! I thought you were an aboriginal australian from all the videos you’re in.

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Yeah, I get that all the time. Must be the makeup [emoji4]

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Everybody knows you are Shaolin...#kungfuvirus

But I'm not...
A ton of differences with us and Italy.

And I’m not sure of anything. But in the philosophical words of one OverlanderJK “we may all die next week, but I sure as hell ain’t gonna worry about it this week”.

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Yup...they're Italians...they make way better pasta and shoes than us...

But we better learn what went wrong there and learn from it...and our population densities on both coasts are pretty close...except we have shit more people...

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What percentage of those beds are unused just waiting to be filled with a Covid patient though?

Admittedly, I’ve done zero research into the NY health system, but just throwing out the total number of beds seems a bit disingenuous.

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As per daily briefings I get as a first responder, governor cuomo’s addresses to the public. You can probably google it too. I haven’t tried that route.
Right now hospitals are seeing 15% more patients than normal. Again, several of these are the worried well looking for tests. So there are beds still available along with treating every day patients hospitals see (cardiac arrest, stroke, accidents)
Sadly PPE is still and issue. I posted earlier my solution to that.
I’m also posting again as a first responder in NYC. I’ve got a few friends out right now because of the virus, 1 hospitalized. I’m also fairly certain that my father’s death in January was because of this virus.
So before you say I’m being disingenuous, I’m involved in this shit. I’m not taking it lightly. I replied to a false statement that the hospitals were flooded.
With that being said, here’s your meme:

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You know, Eddie has made a very good point...about the bitching (or was that OverlanderJK...I really don't want to give him credit unless I have to, his head will swell)...instead of just bitching, perhaps some action is in order...(as far as the bitching goes, I like to think of it as dialogue...I find it helpful to hear many different points of view, even if I don't agree with it)...

What are we doing to help our fellow citizens during all of this?...Some of us may have the means and resources to mitigate the financial toll on our family members and close friends...I can't tell you how many phone calls and emails I have received the last few days pleading for help because their business's have tanked, or are worried about losing their homes because they no longer have jobs, and not much in the way of savings to tide them over for however long this takes. I urge those of you who can help your immediate circle, please do so.

I got a text from a friend in NorCal today... his wife is a nurse, and is on the front lines dealing with this shit...after a long stressful day, she comes home and changes her clothes in the garage, which goes directly into the wash...then heads straight for the shower so she minimizes the chance of getting her two small children and her husband ill. She does this every day...and she has to deal with the very real shortage of PPE which is putting our health care providers at serious risk...and I think that is effed...

So, how can I help with that situation? I think as soon as my quarantine is over, I'm going to get some friends together that like to cook and we will donate a hot cooked meal to be picked up by our healthcare givers at our local hospital so they also don't have to deal with how to feed themselves and their families after their shift...just an idea...or more likely, find several restaurants or food trucks that can do this on a larger scale, and give them the finances to do this very same thing.

We have a private charitable foundation that is in the midst of a pivot of funding outlets due to our relocation to the mainland in a few short months...while we still want to fund the core issues we have always believed is very needed, like child and spousal abuse and cancer research, we will suspend funding the arts and other non-essential entities (we do believe the arts are essential, just not a priority at this time) and find ways to help our communities on the mainland deal with the current financial crisis..

Something as simple as providing hot coffee to our first responders and law enforcement goes a long way...

But I'm not....
As per daily briefings I get as a first responder, governor cuomo’s addresses to the public. You can probably google it too. I haven’t tried that route.
Right now hospitals are seeing 15% more patients than normal. Again, several of these are the worried well looking for tests. So there are beds still available along with treating every day patients hospitals see (cardiac arrest, stroke, accidents)
Sadly PPE is still and issue. I posted earlier my solution to that.
I’m also posting again as a first responder in NYC. I’ve got a few friends out right now because of the virus, 1 hospitalized. I’m also fairly certain that my father’s death in January was because of this virus.
So before you say I’m being disingenuous, I’m involved in this shit. I’m not taking it lightly. I replied to a false statement that the hospitals were flooded.
With that being said, here’s your meme:
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I'm sorry for your loss man...

My statement of the city hospitals being near capacity was based on information given by your state and city officials...I have a place in midtown Manhattan, and they are setting up a temporary triage center well as in two other places in the city. US Army Corp of Engineers are currently looking at other buildings to convert into places where they can put beds in...providing they can get enough equipment and staff to make these function...this is only because they fully expect to have a severe shortage of beds in the near future.

I thank you for what you are doing, and hope you and your family stay safe and healthy...
I'm sorry for your loss man...

My statement of the city hospitals being near capacity was based on information given by your state and city officials...I have a place in midtown Manhattan, and they are setting up a temporary triage center well as in two other places in the city. US Army Corp of Engineers are currently looking at other buildings to convert into places where they can put beds in...providing they can get enough equipment and staff to make these function...this is only because they fully expect to have a severe shortage of beds in the near future.

I thank you for what you are doing, and hope you and your family stay safe and healthy...

Don’t be a doomsayer [emoji848] .. I’m with you both . My wishes with your families . Hunker down

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So, how can I help with that situation? I think as soon as my quarantine is over, I'm going to get some friends together that like to cook and we will donate a hot cooked meal to be picked up by our healthcare givers at our local hospital so they also don't have to deal with how to feed themselves and their families after their shift...just an idea...or more likely, find several restaurants or food trucks that can do this on a larger scale, and give them the finances to do this very same thing.

We have a private charitable foundation that is in the midst of a pivot of funding outlets due to our relocation to the mainland in a few short months...while we still want to fund the core issues we have always believed is very needed, like child and spousal abuse and cancer research, we will suspend funding the arts and other non-essential entities (we do believe the arts are essential, just not a priority at this time) and find ways to help our communities on the mainland deal with the current financial crisis..

But I'm not....
That would be a great gesture for sure.
I drove by the major hospital here today on my way to pick someone up. There were groups of people (spaced 6’ apart) cheering and holding up signs thanking the staff as they came in for their shifts. My nurse friends here have been told to prepare for 24hour shifts, taking volunteers first but will be mandatory eventually, 16 hours on 8 hours “off” but can’t leave the hospital. I’m sure a hot meal would be more than welcome especially food trucks they could just run down and grab.

In positive news
And the best comment I’ve read in days

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Flu doesn’t hospitalize 20% of infected and force them onto a respirator. Flu doesn’t spread at a high infection rate that it completely overwhelms healthcare and people are left drowning in their own fluids to die. SARS cov2(aka Covid-19, coronavirus) does. Read some medical articles (not news articles that blame yellow people) and you can see why it’s a big deal and necessary to try to limit spread.
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I assure you the info I'm looking at isn't on the network news or network websites regardless of political leaning. ;)

That would be a great gesture for sure.
I drove by the major hospital here today on my way to pick someone up. There were groups of people (spaced 6’ apart) cheering and holding up signs thanking the staff as they came in for their shifts. My nurse friends here have been told to prepare for 24hour shifts, taking volunteers first but will be mandatory eventually, 16 hours on 8 hours “off” but can’t leave the hospital. I’m sure a hot meal would be more than welcome especially food trucks they could just run down and grab.

Totally agree this is a massive strain on the system. My nephews fiance works at the VA hospital and he's a LEO working 3 shifts. She has a week on and week off schedule and has now worked 12-18 hrs, 10 days straight. We've been watching their 18 month old daughter since she started the last shift. I can honestly say without a shred of guilt that Blue's Clues
sucks balls.
Anyone self quarantined?

Perhaps I seem like I don’t give a shit, but I do. I’ll be going to work, dealing with sick people, through this whole thing. You can smirk, and say a pharmacist isn’t on the front lines of healthcare, but sick people will often come to me first, to ask what they should do.

Am I afraid? No. I’m not the kind of person that can live in fear. I still can’t understand all the freaking out, and buying out every store in town. The MF’s won’t stay home, so why hoard?

Oh, and I’ve been preaching the clean hands thing for 23 years. Try it from this point on, and watch the number of colds, & other illnesses you experience, fall.

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Am I afraid? No. I’m not the kind of person that can live in fear. I still can’t understand all the freaking out, and buying out every store in town. The MF’s won’t stay home, so why hoard?
Right!? Why go all doomsday prepper hoarding food to get you through whatever and still go out ?

I can honestly say without a shred of guilt that Blue's Clues
sucks balls.

I am so sorry for your pain. Been there, my saving grace was one of the kids networks that has like 10 minute shows and they do a lot of sand art that’s very mesmerizing with quiet music playing in the background. And then bright vibrant colors and songs, enough programming to not repeat itself every 20 minutes. I think it was called BabyFirst? Or something like that, the nephews since grown out of that into the loud cartoons that make little sense phase.

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I am so sorry for your pain. Been there, my saving grace was one of the kids networks that has like 10 minute shows and they do a lot of sand art that’s very mesmerizing with quiet music playing in the background. And then bright vibrant colors and songs, enough programming to not repeat itself every 20 minutes. I think it was called BabyFirst? Or something like that, the nephews since grown out of that into the loud cartoons that make little sense phase.

We'll have to look at that. We went outside & got off the TV thing with her yesterday. She discovered mud puddles, throwing rocks into mud puddles, the neighbors cows, our horses, and turkey vultures swooping down in my neighbors field
at something and generally doing shit outside. Can't wait for the weather to finally break so we can do more of that stuff.

My meme

LOL - okay, I apologize for getting the doomsayer bunch all butthurt. And, so that it’s clear, I never suggested that you shouldn’t believe the world is coming to an end. If it gives you meaning and purpose in life, more power to you. If you're just looking to hear people tell you how right you are - fine, YOUR RIGHT, can we move the fuck on now??

As I've once stated on that other lame ass shooting thread, I started this forum to be a place on the internet where I could get away from all the shit that's constantly in my face whether I like it or not and do what I love most, talk about JEEPS! Believe me, if I wanted to hear a bunch of people tell me how right they are about how bad things are, I'd turn on cable news or go to church.

Just as was the case with the lame ass shooting thread, I am NOT going to close this one or say that you can't talk about how everyone is going to die but I will ask that you please take a step back, take a deep breath and remember why you're here. If you really think that talking about what you're choosing to believe will make a difference, maybe change someone else's mind and make them believe like you, may I suggest Facebook, Instagram or the like. They have a MUCH larger audience. Good luck to you. :thumb:
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