Around the world in an amphibious Jeep... 1950s style...


New member
The thread here about 7 Jeeps you didn't know existed sent me off and Googling for more information on the Ford’s GPA Amphibious Jeep (also called a Seep)...

As a person who loves Jeeps, boats, adventure, history, old military stuff.. and vehicles that float! I thought the Seep was very cool. Even if the 7 Jeeps article said it was a failure. My searches led me to this Hemmings article about a little Seep named "Half Safe" that I thought some of you might find interesting....

I hope you enjoy it! :thumb:
The thread here about 7 Jeeps you didn't know existed sent me off and Googling for more information on the Ford’s GPA Amphibious Jeep (also called a Seep)...

As a person who loves Jeeps, boats, adventure, history, old military stuff.. and vehicles that float! I thought the Seep was very cool. Even if the 7 Jeeps article said it was a failure. My searches led me to this Hemmings article about a little Seep named "Half Safe" that I thought some of you might find interesting....

I hope you enjoy it! :thumb:

That's cool.
Very cool, thank you for sharing that. I could only imagine how sick you could get being how small it was.
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