Badlands Indiana WAYALIFE Meet up?

What’s the word on this trip? Happening…dead…moved? Love to make it but really need to figure out a when to see if the run is possible and coordinate work and life.
Let get this trips dates nailed down…. I too would love to make it but need more set timeline.
Well let’s drive this forward. Some dates were originally discussed and from what I see the 25th of September seems to work. I’m good with that day too.

what say the rest of the masses? Let’s make it happen
I would come down Friday early morning. Roll in around noonish. The 24th-25th seem like it would work for my party!
Too bad, it seems the Mission Impossible trail isn't open anymore. I haven't heard anything about it in a few years now.
Last I knew You have to call ahead and hire a guide to run it. I believe this to still be true
Yeah, last I heard it was privately owned. Not sure who runs it or sets up a trail ride, might be possible?
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Yeah, last I heard it was privately owned. Not sure who runs it or sets up a trail ride, might be possible?
You call the badlands office and set it up. I believe they limit how many rigs and I forget how much the guide cost
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