Banks/Money Managment

I saw a movie the other night that had a line I will not soon forget...

Money is like a river; the wise go to the shoreline to take what they need. The greedy wade into the middle...and drown.
I will have to remember that.

It goes right along with "Pigs get fat, hogs get butchered"

Kinda like there was a master plan or something. :thinking: Psssshhh, naaahhh

LOL, I'm beginning to think the founding fathers were aliens or something. They got pretty much everything right the first time. The other shit added into the constitution really wasn't needed but we had to tell all the dumb fuckers, no you numbnuts, we really did meant EVERYTHING we wrote and it applies to EVERYONE.

What we need is patriots running things again and not the greedy fucks we've manage to stick ourselves with because we're too goddam lazy to vote these selfish bastards out..

Yup, when it's time to pay for all of this shit the kids are the ones that will end up paying for this for a loooong time.

If I was a youngster again, I highly doubt I'd go to college again. I'd probably go into one of the trades & open my own shop. Hmmmmm :hmm:

If only people in charge now would realize how good they set it up for us.

True story: We've been planning for about 6 months to add on this room in our basement. About 6 weeks ago, I decided that it would get started during the kids' Spring Break because it seemed like it would be the best time for all of us (Spring Break happened to be last week); we had money set aside and were ready, etc.

About two/three weeks ago, The Rona introduces itself into our culture. I told my wife that it might be more financially responsible to NOT build the extra room and save the money for ANYTHING depending on what's going on. I was really ready to just save the money and wait for a few months with all that is going on. There was too much that was unpredictable.

About a week later, I said fuck it; nope, we're building this room, and my 7 year old son is going to be part of every step so he can at least learn how to produce something. I don't know how much he'll retain or learn, but I at least know it will be beneficial to him somehow in the future. I don't know what this place will look like in 10-15 years but I also know the time clock doesn't stop and this opportunity for me and him may not present itself later. Our country is full of consumption and debt and I at least want him to be able to know how to produce something. I wouldn't be where I'm at without the help of the older generation of family and friends that taught me stuff like this when I was young. So, as can be seen in other threads, that's exactly what we decided to do. Even at age 7, he asks some damn good questions. I hope someday he can do something with it. We shall see.

That's great that you now have the time to share the knowledge with him, as well as improving your home at the same time.

That really is the best thing we can pass down to our kids, knowledge. Most parents don’t take the interest or time to teach their kids how to do anything on their own much less building out a room like that. I’m surprised how many people our age couldn’t fix half the things our parents would do on a regular basis.

I think that’s awesome you’ve included your son on that. I do the same with mine and my daughter. It’s a battle now and slows the projects way down, but I know in a few years it be repaid when they are actually helping because we took the time to teach them. When I was growing up, it was an expectation that I would help my dad fix and build things. And honestly, I would never have been able to do the things I have done professionally with out that kind of upbringing. I owe that man everything for making me who I am and is one of my main goal in life to be that for my kids.

2015 JKUR AEV JK350
1985 CJ8 Scrambler

I say often that the best thing I got from my parents is the ability to figure things out, and get them done for myself.

They showed me many skills, but the most important one is how to figure it out for yourself, whatever the problem may be.

My father started what is now my company 53 years ago, I grew up working for him and now it’s my problem! But he taught me and passed it on to me and honestly a lot of my competition learned the trade from my dad. The one person that has never worked a day for my dad or me is my son, he never had any interest

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While I didn't get into my business due to family, I tried to pass that opportunity on to my children. Sadly they both gave it up. "It's too hard" was what I heard.

It broke my heart that my own children seem to have been able to grow up watching me work hard, and now that's the last thing they want to do.
While I didn't get into my business due to family, I tried to pass that opportunity on to my children. Sadly they both gave it up. "It's too hard" was what I heard.

It broke my heart that my own children seem to have been able to grow up watching me work hard, and now that's the last thing they want to do.

The farmers lament....
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While I didn't get into my business due to family, I tried to pass that opportunity on to my children. Sadly they both gave it up. "It's too hard" was what I heard.

It broke my heart that my own children seem to have been able to grow up watching me work hard, and now that's the last thing they want to do.

The farmers lament....

I feel my son not being interested is half my fault. When I took over in 2000 he was 9, but had been golfing with my dad for 5 years already at that point. So everyday he and my dad would get up and go golfing, instead of he and I go to work like I did, and my mistake is not changing his direction for his future. I guess you really never know

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If I was a youngster again, I highly doubt I'd go to college again. I'd probably go into one of the trades & open my own shop. Hmmmmm :hmm:

I’ve said the same thing for years. [emoji106]

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Sounds like the fund to help small business pay their payroll is gone. We applied the very first morning you could apply and never heard shit from it

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Sounds like the fund to help small business pay their payroll is gone. We applied the very first morning you could apply and never heard shit from it

Same thing with someone I work with. He applied right away and hasn't heard a thing.
Yeah, I talked with my bank yesterday and he said that the applications were not reviewed in the order they were received. Surprise!

Maybe Pelosi can pull the ice cream scoop out of her piehole & get back to work to help approve additional funds instead of blocking them?
Yeah, I talked with my bank yesterday and he said that the applications were not reviewed in the order they were received. Surprise!

Maybe Pelosi can pull the ice cream scoop out of her piehole & get back to work to help approve additional funds instead of blocking them?
Such crap, sounds like bigger business got priority and funding first from stuff I've read, cant say I'm suprised though. Luckily, my bank said they care about me (insert sarcastic tone) and will continue to work hard for me so that when more funding comes they can continue to submit applications. [emoji848]

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It's really quite comical, I have been barred from working due to a govt order for over a month now, no end in sight as of today, but cant get a response for PPP, cant file for unemployment till maybe middle of May because the system isnt ready. Continuing to look at other options such as EIDL but that seems to have issues of it's own. Maybe itll all work out in the end and help back pay but certainly leaves some anxiety of the uncertainty.

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Saw that one and another one about Ruth's Chris getting 20m, having 5k+ employees and I think almost 500m in revenue last year. Need to find the article again but I think those were the #s.

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I read the same article. I am sick to my stomach over the news about Ruth Chris. How can a publicly traded company with over 5000 employees qualify as a small business. And how is that restaurant business and its other restaurant lines help out the economy. The cap of the ppp loan was 10m. So they got two loans for two of their subsidiaries all with the help of JP Morgan.

I also applied for both the ppp and the eidl loans. I had to fill out a second application for the eidl loan because the first one au filled out on 3/15/20 was suspended because they wanted to make the application process more streamline. I am still paying my employees to stay home out of my savings.

I completely appreciate the govt helping out the small businesses. But it needs to start with the small business first. SBA is there to help the small businesses. Not the publicly traded businesses.

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^^ Totally agree, glad your doing what you can for your people, even though I'm sure it's straining you.

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Thanks! I was brought up with the believe if you take care of the company the company will take care of you.

Just read this article. It makes me sick to my stomach when I hear that all these large businesses are get millions of dollars in forgivable loans under the ppp. When there are millions of small businesses that got left out.

Here is that article.

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It’s no mystery why the money ran out before small businesses could get loans.

Saw that one and another one about Ruth's Chris getting 20m, having 5k+ employees and I think almost 500m in revenue last year. Need to find the article again but I think those were the #s.

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I read the same article. I am sick to my stomach over the news about Ruth Chris. How can a publicly traded company with over 5000 employees qualify as a small business. And how is that restaurant business and its other restaurant lines help out the economy. The cap of the ppp loan was 10m. So they got two loans for two of their subsidiaries all with the help of JP Morgan.

I also applied for both the ppp and the eidl loans. I had to fill out a second application for the eidl loan because the first one au filled out on 3/15/20 was suspended because they wanted to make the application process more streamline. I am still paying my employees to stay home out of my savings.

I completely appreciate the govt helping out the small businesses. But it needs to start with the small business first. SBA is there to help the small businesses. Not the publicly traded businesses.

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Money always seems to go to money, doesn't it?
Same here, I’m on the board (treasurer) of a non-profit I applied haven’t heard but now they are out of funding (PPP). I hear they want to add 350 million more so we will have to wait and see.

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