Bedliner question?

Dirt Rancher

New member
Has anyone put bedliner on their painted factory fender flares? And did it stick/stay on very well? Mine are color matched white on my Rubicon and the gravel thrown from the front tires are chipping the paint off the rear fenders. This is my wife's ride and I would like for it to look good and still be very off-road capable like it now is (don't want to take the wider/bigger tires off)!!
sorry but bedliner on the flares will look crappy very fast (crack, fade, etc), or at least I have not seen one done well holding up. If you can get a very very thin spray on liner it may look a-ok :)
If it were me in your shoes, I'd just go out and get some regular black plastic flares from Craigslist. The stock flares are surprisingly durable and with the black ones, you can't hardly see the rock chips.

You can get them on Craigslist or score a set here for free.
One of my dads side businesses was spray on bed-liners, we used to do this a lot on fender flares, even for our own vehicles. if you had the plastic prepped an primed properly it would bond nicely and work/look great. Im not sure about the rattle can spay on or roll on bed-liner, but if you took them somewhere and had it done with a Scorpion/Rhino/line-ex or something similar Im certain it would do just fine as it always did in my experience on and off road. the rattle can/roll on ones may be fine as well I just don't have experience with them.
Mine were just the plain black ones and I did the truck bed coating on mine. After almost a year they still look good.
While I have not had fender flares Bedlined, I have had the tub of one of my Jeeps done. It was horrible in my opinion. Faded, terrible to clean, held on to dirt and any sort of stains. I made the mistake of having it done twice ( two different types and vendors) with the same results. Just didn't hold up well to constantly being exposed to the elements. I did, however, run with the doors and top off about 300 days a year at the time, but considering it was made to line the exposed beds of pickup trucks, I expected more.
Right after buying my Jeep in 2013 one of the very first roads I went on was a logging road that had just been covered in crushed rock.
The Rubicon BFG KM's will hold onto rocks and then chuck them out hard right at your rear fenders.
Within the first 25 miles I had ruined the fronts of my rear fenders. Then the kid climbing in and out did not help either.

So my answer was to lightly sand out all dings with 400 then 600. Tape off and spray several coats of Rustoleum bedliner in a can stuff.
Works great.
Not hard to clean at all.
3 years later still looks good.
If it ever did get messed up just respray it. I use this stuff on everything and really like it.

Right after buying my Jeep in 2013 one of the very first roads I went on was a logging road that had just been covered in crushed rock.
The Rubicon BFG KM's will hold onto rocks and then chuck them out hard right at your rear fenders.
Within the first 25 miles I had ruined the fronts of my rear fenders. Then the kid climbing in and out did not help either.

So my answer was to lightly sand out all dings with 400 then 600. Tape off and spray several coats of Rustoleum bedliner in a can stuff.
Works great.
Not hard to clean at all.
3 years later still looks good.
If it ever did get messed up just respray it. I use this stuff on everything and really like it.

View attachment 192339

Not to Hijack, but those are the sweetest cuts I've seen on factory flares. Great job! Any other pics?
Thanks for the compliment!
Yeah dont want to hijack either but, They do show the blast protector OP was asking about.

They were done with a Dremel and a wood cutting blade, then blocked to shape with 80 grit and brought down from there.

Unfortunately I lost almost all my files due to the Cryptolocker Virus. If it wasn't for this site I would have almost nothing.
Deplated 1.jpg
deplated 2.jpg
On a side note I am only running 35's
I really believe that 37's would require me to cut out the factory side marker. I was not fully stuffed when these photos were taken. I think 37's would rip right into that factory side marker location.

Many more tree hits and I am going to have to replace these fenders anyway.

The main reason I call her the Tree Frog is she likes to get all over the tree's. :blush:
I did the spray on liner about a year ago. Held up great so far. Cleaned them with alcohol then did 2 coats.
They'd till look like that even after almost a year in the Alabama sun. If it fades ill reapply since it costed maybe $4.
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