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I'm a bit of a nerd and an avid reader. I read many kinds of books and am looking for some suggestions of a good series to read. Best book I've read in the past year is Redeployment by Phil Klay.
I just started "The Martian" bought it for Kindle on slow days at work and found out they are turning it into a movie. But I was trying to keep up with Mark Zuckerberg's reading list for the year, seems to be some pretty good picks and great discussions to have:
I just started "The Martian" bought it for Kindle on slow days at work and found out they are turning it into a movie. But I was trying to keep up with Mark Zuckerberg's reading list for the year, seems to be some pretty good picks and great discussions to have:

Thanks for that suggestion and the link. Haven't ever seen FB's reading list. I like seeing things like that from successful people because I find it interesting what they read and how they think.
I usually have two or three books going at a time and read about that many a month. Not into fiction to much. However I was hooked on James Wesley Rawles' Founders, Survivors, Expatriates. All great reads(for being fiction). lol

Right now I'm finishing up Almost Somewhere by Suzanne Roberts. Her account of a hike she did with a couple of friends along the John Muir Trail. Excellent read.

Tons of health and nutrition books. Parenting, financial, marriage. The big three I feel important to read at least a couple books a year to keep on the right track.

I have an addiction to book stores and only buy printed books.
I usually have two or three books going at a time and read about that many a month. Not into fiction to much. However I was hooked on James Wesley Rawles' Founders, Survivors, Expatriates. All great reads(for being fiction). lol

Right now I'm finishing up Almost Somewhere by Suzanne Roberts. Her account of a hike she did with a couple of friends along the John Muir Trail. Excellent read.

Tons of health and nutrition books. Parenting, financial, marriage. The big three I feel important to read at least a couple books a year to keep on the right track.

I have an addiction to book stores and only buy printed books.

Check out this one.

Thanks for that suggestion and the link. Haven't ever seen FB's reading list. I like seeing things like that from successful people because I find it interesting what they read and how they think.

Oh yeah, you can learn a lot from it and pick up on the stuff they might and apply it to your life in some way. But they do read a lot. Its what gets them going and becoming even more successful from the articles I have read online. But its a good lost and its a new book every two weeks I think.

I have an addiction to book stores and only buy printed books.

Agree, love the smell of a new book. But I just buy it digital when I see its cheaper or when I just want a quick read. But I will check put what you're reading just because I'm a huge sucker for adventure books haha
Couldn't agree more about printed books. I cannot get into a digital book, which is funny considering all the time I spend on forums. I actually prefer hardback but they're often expensive and hard to take places. I read a lot of military and political books but am trying to expand my palate. I have been trying to find a good Western series since I am a big fan of the Old West and country western music.
I love the smell of a book store! Sounds strange but it's one of my favorites.

I doubt you'd like any of my suggestions, I'm into historical romance. 😁
I love Ted Dekkar and Frank Peretti I have read everyone of their books and get withdraws waiting for the next one.
I ve always been a sucker for a good mystery personally, I really like the Dick Francis horse racing series, the Dirk Pitt series, but my all time favorites have to be the "Cat Who" series by Lilian Jackson Braun, grew up listening to them on the LONG family road trips we used to take in our 88' Suburban. Still have the entire series to this day, in audio and hardback.
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