Brake vibration problem


New member
So my 12jku already have changed
Brake drum? Rotor? To fix this

But it comes again some times.

Does anyone has same problem?
I haven't had this issue. But have you considered having your wheels re-balanced? When exactly are you getting the vibration? Is it only when you brake?

If yes and you've changed your rotors it may be an ABS issue and I would get that checked out.
I haven't had this issue. But have you considered having your wheels re-balanced? When exactly are you getting the vibration? Is it only when you brake?

If yes and you've changed your rotors it may be an ABS issue and I would get that checked out.

x2 have to agree with Frank:yup:
So my 12jku already have changed
Brake drum? Rotor? To fix this

But it comes again some times.

Does anyone has same problem?

I had the same issue last week but only when braking and turning right at the same time.
My steering wheel was off centered, I fixed it and the vibration was gone.
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Best bet is to drop it at the dealer I'm assuming you still have warranty. But just make sure the problem is persistent so they can't give you the ol sorry couldn't reproduce the problem
Brake pulsation can come from multiple things. Using brakes too much (riding the brakes), too hard (waiting till the last minute to brake), and wheels being tightened too much or incorrectly. Your profile says you have wheel spacers. I'd make sure they're tightened correctly. Were your rotors replaced or resurfaced. If resurfaced, have them check thickness and make sure it's not under the discard thickness. Is your vibration shaking the steering wheel or feel like a back and forth pulse. Steering wheel shake = front. Back and forth = rear. Hope thi helps some.
Had the same issue not so long ago.
Steering wheel off center was part of it. Check all torque settings track bar etc
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