BrankZ thread

Did you receive something in the mail stating they were at the DMV you requested to have them shipped to?

Sent from my PRC-119

X2.. They don't come to your house, you have to go to DMV office to get them. But its OK , you'll be able to make your own when they bust you for the shitbomb,lol:D

We are Jeep..Resistance is futile..
No hate...But this is now my favorite thread! As I tell my patients on a daily basis "the first step to recovery (Branks case would be assimilation) is acceptance of your condition, closely followed up with a plan of corrective action, and lastly coping mechanisms in those moments of fallout. You went 360 almost immediately. :thumb:

Remember when he said he was going to "bead my ass"? Haha
Hey brankz I never got a letter and when I went to the dmv they had my plates it takes about 6 weeks so they should have them or you have to reorder them again
Lol. On my way out of fresh and easy, this hummer park next to me, he had all the parking lot for him but no, he had to park next to me.
Now a days hummers think that they are jeeps ImageUploadedByWAYALIFE1383359177.482066.jpg

I gotta tell ya man that whole Nigerian thing is just too funny. Go get them, they deserve it.
I get so many of those scam emails every time I try to sell something on C-list.

I don't think I would be too afraid of the mail cops coming for you. If you order that bottle of stink bad from someplace and they mail it too you and then you mail it to your "friend" in Nigeria then what is the difference?

(I know I am not helping anything right.)
I gotta tell ya man that whole Nigerian thing is just too funny. Go get them, they deserve it.
I get so many of those scam emails every time I try to sell something on C-list.

I don't think I would be too afraid of the mail cops coming for you. If you order that bottle of stink bad from someplace and they mail it too you and then you mail it to your "friend" in Nigeria then what is the difference?

(I know I am not helping anything right.)

Thanks hahaha and I will send the super stink bomb. Is legal to send that, just happens that the zip bag will open when he opens the ps3 box lol

I'm confused

Is Eddie wayalife or wayoflife or he's has the 2 nick names ???? Just wondering

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