Broken lug socket

Dune Crawler

New member
photo 1.jpgphoto 2.jpgphoto 3.jpgSo I think the last shop she was at they impacted the lugs to hard bc I saw a hairline crack but thought nothing of it until I went into the garage to tighten the bolts and BOOM it broke. Was hoping someone could tell me what brand my lugs are or what I should do. I'm hoping their pro comp lugs bc I can get a replacement for $6. I'll post pics up soon bc they won't load on my app
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I had that same problem, when to America's tire and they sold me one for 5 bucks. I'd start there.
Yeah Pro Comp. Northridge sells the kit they could possibly get you a spline drive socket as well.

The little bag the socket comes in has Part Number: "1000KEY" on it. There is a upc code but it is so freaking small and now covered with oil I cant read it.

I just got done putting those on my Jeep today. I liked the harder that normal anti theft thing. Plus they look better in black than chrome.
First thing my ole Dad says is "what are you gonna do if you lose the socket?". Now its "what are you gonna do if the socket blows out on you?

So this seals it. I am ordering another socket right away.
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