Building/ Rebuilding a PA Speaker


New member
After Youth Group tonight, my Youth Pastor let me take home one of the PA Speakers because it stopped working a few months ago. He said I could have it, and after about an hour being home I have figured out what is wrong with it. There is a power board that has a double fuse on it, and it was blown. It messed up a little bit of the electronics as well, so I might end up having to get a new power board if it isn't too expensive. I want to try and just solder everything back onto it, but I don't know if I could fix it. The fuse clamps broke off in the process as well. I have kept out the electronics because I am emailing Tech Support of the Company to get some info on prices and part numbers, but I put the rest of the speaker back together. After putting it back together, I have decided that I want to make my own box to house the speakers. When I build the box, I will be able to take the speaker when I am out around the bonfire with friends or just working on my dirt bike in the garage. Then I can have a nice speaker to plug my Stereo or iPod into, even though the speaker weighs around 30 Pounds. I still have come up with a design and measurements for a box, but I am hoping to build the box either this weekend or next. Here are some pictures of the power board and the fuses:





I'll post up some pictures as I work on this project.

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