Creaking console


My console creaks a lot when your arm is on it, but silent when your arm isn't there. Does anyone have a fix for it?
This a common issue but I have never thought to correct it. I just turn up the stereo and acknowledge its a jeep and it's gonna make noise. I know this doesn't help, but I can confirm that this is the case in every newer jk I've ridden in.
I think its in the lid and the rubber feet, but with that top side and bottom side compartment its hard to narrow down. I usually just listen to tires and music turned up too, but when my 2 year old is in there and the music is down, its starts to wear on me. Gonna try some felt cabinet door bumps and see if it helps.
Check those torx bolts in the rear. no matter how tight I crank them they always seem to work loose and the console rattles around and squeaks.
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