Diy cargo nets


New member
So it's a work in progress but I wanted to share with everyone.
I want full cargo nets but the price tag is way more than I wanted to spend. I bought 100yards of 1.5 polypropylene heavy duty webbing on eBay for $30 and all the buckles and the red powder coated rings at for $85. (coupon code for 15%off ar15). I'll post more as the project progresses. :) ImageUploadedByWAYALIFE1461090272.221799.jpgImageUploadedByWAYALIFE1461090287.120603.jpgImageUploadedByWAYALIFE1461090309.640142.jpgImageUploadedByWAYALIFE1461090335.881397.jpg
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Keep track of time and let me know how much you ended up paying yourself. Curious if it's actually a money saver or just a fun project that might not save that much when accounting for time spent.
Each box only takes 1min 24 seconds to sew. Yeah I got bored last night lol I've spent about 8 hours on it but that's not working nonstop. When I sew I have to have movies playing or my adhd gets the best of me. Plus I have 3 kids that interrupt me all the time.
It's money saving because my time spent is free. $110 out of pocket vs $500plus the pet divider behind the seat. I can spend the savings on other things such as lift and tires.
hmmm, I'd need to get a sewing machine that can handle the webbing and then learn how to sew.
Or learn how to sew first and then get the machine :thumb:
Next time you get bored, I need a paracord rifle sling :thumb: I have Jeep parts to barter and trade with.
hmmm, I'd need to get a sewing machine that can handle the webbing and then learn how to sew.
Or learn how to sew first and then get the machine :thumb:

I'm using my daughters super cheap brother one and its handling it like a champ. I have an industrial one but it needs to be services. If you really want to learn, YouTube. That's how I learned [emoji23]
I measured each square then marked it with a white crayon. I still have to scrub off the white marks but nothing serious. Before I figured out the crayon mark method I was measuring then sewing each one. Made it through 2 rows like that. I hate using pins. Plus the webbing is too thick.
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Awesome idea... Looking great so far!!!Can't wait to see how it looks on!!! Now to learn to sew.. I should have paid more attention in home economics!!!
That looking great keep posting progress . Thanks fo sharing. Now I may have to learn to use sewing machine lol
Okay, I like this guy. A fellow Nevadan who doesn't take shit. Welcome aboard friend.


FYI It's cause I'm a 5'4" firecracker wife of a construction worker. Can't take shit off of people, especially those who are keyboard warriors that like to stir up way too much shit. I've seen this on other threads too.
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