Dynamite's Destinations


New member
This weekend I went up to Zion National Park, UT to see if I could get a camp spot. Every campground was filled so I went back to St.George and set up at Sand Hollow (the starting spot for JKX '13)

It was just my daughter and I, so I didn't get to do any real trails, she just wanted to play on the sand dunes. :)



Once we set up camp we had a storm roll in :eek:

After the storm we were sitting by the campfire and kept hearing someone revving their motor trying to get unstuck. I decided to go check it out and this is what I came up on.


It took about an hour but I finally got him out. Had to use another truck to anchor me and a snatch block on the winch line. My daughter thought it was the coolest thing she'd ever seen me do. lol

Good times
Wow! That's what I call DEEP YOUGURT!! Good thing you had a Warn on the front bumper. Bet that pull took lots of grunt. Great pics of a very cool place. Thanks!!:yup:
Great Pics

Best part of wheeling in Southern Utah, Nevada or the Arizona Strip is when one place doesn't work out there is always another great spot a short distance away.
It was a nasty spot to get stuck. They guy was extremely grateful for me getting him out. He was digging with a little shovel for over 4 hours before I came across him!
I almost forgot about this thread. :doh:

My last run I was able to go on was at night so the pics kind of suck but here they are anyway.
This was the WarMachines702 annual topless-doorles run at a place we call Tie-Rod Canyon.

Ready to drive all the way across town to the meet-up spot.

We had to squeeze through this tunnel to get under some train tracks

This was only a small portion of the group. I want to say we were about 25 Jeeps deep on this run.



A TJ on a rock ledge...

and right about here "POP" he blew up his spider gears in the rear end.

I am on the far left, Skirmish center and a guy I called Disco on the right.

Ended the night with a small bonfire

My only carnage was to my rock light and a small corner of the front fender. Not bad

We almost had a member flop, one member did not have his Jeep and only made it so far before getting stuck and ditching his truck... then losing his truck :cheesy: (I found it for him on my GPS track and had to winch him out at 3AM) And someone followed us out in a stock Nissan truck that had no business being out there.

All in all a great time and a great run. Wish I had better pics to share.
That was another classic topless/doorless, glad you made it out. I was leading and saw a huge line of headlights behind me. Pretty cool sight.
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