Eddie you're a straight up ASSHOLE !

I know my post count is low...but can we corral new members to a feed lot until they are vetted. We can call it the "troll toll" and once they get to 50 posts they can come out and play.

So many asshats on here who are just here to stir the sh-- pot!

OK , carry on. Something about Eddie and the OP being jealous...

EDIT: I hit 51 posts!!! I'm outta the "troll toll!!!" Woooohooooo!
Isn't there a thread for this type of bullshit

....if there isn't one already, there should be a sticky to reference all of them...

Actually sir, you're an asshole. Don't like someone's "opinions"? Fine, you don't have to. but, an opinion is just that, an opinion, and Everyone has one, so get over your self. The real issue seems to be more along the lines that you're jelous that the mojority here like Eddie's opinions on things. I'm fine with your leaving and not coming back, sure won't miss your 9 post contribution to this community.

X2, this is the net and opinions are opinions....

Over 18,000 members and you and six others get butthurt over your own personal inability to accept criticism which, was not directed at you. Your life as a little bitch suits you well.

:thumb: true, whatever happened to accepting constructive criticism....
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