EVO Double Throwdown install write ups?


New member
So I am doing my research on installing the DTD front and rear install, with the long arm upgrade to follow a few months later. This will be done in my man cave, with the help of my brother (former mechanic, now robotics engineer) and a friend who is a welder (mig/ tig/ and underwater stuff) I am more the basic backyard mechanic, but do well with the paint and make it pretty stuff. I have everything tool wise we could need except a lift. We will have to make do with jacks/ stands/ engine hoists...or anything I can rent to help.

I have asked Drew for the Installation instructions, but was wondering if there are any write-ups from anyone who has installed this set up? I haven't found one....But I figure anything I can find that shows what challenges they encountered would help.

I haven't seen one. Therefore, take a lot of pictures and be the first. :thumb:
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