Fuel Prices

Gosh so many of your posts are so cringe worthy. Literally everything was trumps fault to you when he was in office and the right is so bad yet the left is so good. You really do need to step back to realty.

Feel free to tell me to fuck off again, been a few months. 👍🏻
I’m no fan of Biden…I think he may be the worst president in my time since Jimmy Carter, and he was pretty bad. I’m looking forward to the mid terms when the Republicans take back Congress, and will again vote for another Republican President…but I will not vote for the Orange Man…and it has nothing to do with the conservative right…
Some reading material…

Exxon’s response: https://corporate.exxonmobil.com/Ne...arding-President-Biden-Letter-to-Oil-Industry

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Some reading material…

Exxon’s response: https://corporate.exxonmobil.com/Ne...arding-President-Biden-Letter-to-Oil-Industry

Interestingly, in the Axios article, Brandon is quoted as saying, " But, in a time of war..."
So, the moron is openly saying, the U.S. is at war with Russia.
I'm convinced this dementia riddled idiot is not only destroying the U.S. economy but, putting American lives at risk.

Oh, and to that handful of "never Trumper's" on this forum, you owe the rest of us gas money.

The Fed Gov is the biggest obstacle to prosperity and quality of life we face. Most individuals truly have no concept of all the aspects of your life they touch. How much water your toilet flushes, how bright light bulbs can be, how many MPG your car must get, what your kids learn in school and on and on. The amount of your $ they take from you every day of your life is amazing.

Think about it, our ancestors fought the most powerful nation on the face of the earth for a few cents of tax on their breakfast drink. Today we take it in the azz daily and make excuses for it. Sad!

The Fed Gov is the biggest obstacle to prosperity and quality of life we face. Most individuals truly have no concept of all the aspects of your life they touch. How much water your toilet flushes, how bright light bulbs can be, how many MPG your car must get, what your kids learn in school and on and on. The amount of your $ they take from you every day of your life is amazing.

Think about it, our ancestors fought the most powerful nation on the face of the earth for a few cents of tax on their breakfast drink. Today we take it in the azz daily and make excuses for it. Sad!
This. Not the same government or principles we had in 1776.
Interestingly, in the Axios article, Brandon is quoted as saying, " But, in a time of war..."
So, the moron is openly saying, the U.S. is at war with Russia.
I'm convinced this dementia riddled idiot is not only destroying the U.S. economy but, putting American lives at risk.

Oh, and to that handful of "never Trumper's" on this forum, you owe the rest of us gas money.
Well, we are at war with Russia…a proxy war. It has also been a showcase of US weapons superiority…after the last few months in Ukraine, who would want to buy Russian weapons?…you might want to look at Raytheon and Lockheed Martin stock…
Diesel up $.15 from $6 to $6.15 this morning. 200 gallons will take you 1000 miles. $1230. And this price in rural corn country, Indiana. No way to avoid massive layoffs ahead.
Just priced some stainless "bling" for my KW. What cost $320, two years ago is now $785. Plus shipping...
Oh, and to that handful of "never Trumper's" on this forum, you owe the rest of us gas money.
That’s some funny shit right there. How ‘bout we compare who pays more in taxes each year and then equalize it. I don‘t like Biden at all, but I honestly think it is unbelievably myopic to think that any given President singularly impacts gas prices in a profound way in real time.
That’s some funny shit right there. How ‘bout we compare who pays more in taxes each year and then equalize it. I don‘t like Biden at all, but I honestly think it is unbelievably myopic to think that any given President singularly impacts gas prices in a profound way in real time.
President, no, political party though, yes. And unfortunately both sides are growing farther and farther apart leaving the rest of us to suffer in the middle.
A coworker’s son works on an oil rig in the Gulf of Mexico and says his rig is at 40% production and most of the others are at similarly reduced capacity or at 0%.
Execs from Pilot, who produces 80% of the DEF for diesels, claims their railroad car allotment is being rationed substantially and affecting distribution capability.
We are being played. This is all orchestrated by the government and we are mere peasants.
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