Get it? Got it? Good or bad... So called vaccine.

no shots, ever. I want assurances, upfront payment and life policy if I die from covid (willing to bet my death will not be attributed to covid even if it was the catalyst)
the fear mongering and obedience training is working on some people.
I recently went to an office bldg to visit a client, when we got into the elevator he promptly went to the "stand here" circle on the floor and faced the rear wall. I had to ask him WTF are you doing??
He and his entire family have already had covid and they are going to get the vaccine anyways so they can feel "safe again" that's some quality BS brainwashing there.
I also noticed every occupied office I could see on his floor, the people inside their own offices kept their masks on. They looked at me like, can we go without a mask?? Felt like I had made a major discovery, breathing air without a mask.
For the surgeon wearing a mask during surgery, those masks are far more effective than what the general public is wearing.
Fauci quickly backtracked and told the public not to buy that type of mask and because he painted himself into a corner, any mask will do...

What's the carrot going to be????
Are you elderly with blood coagulation problems? If so, you’d better not get vaccinated. Otherwise, nothing to see here.
Not my point.
The point is, ( for those who lack discernment, ) they are already finding major problems with "vaccines", that the Govt. keeps telling the sheep population, are completely safe and effective.
Just Thursday, while mowing grass and listening to spotify, I had to endure a CDC, advertisement every 20 minutes, telling us how we should get vaccinated.
Do what you want, Fiend. You just can't un-do, this, once done...
Nah I’m pretty good at ignoring idiots, I used to have an Xbox. 🖕
If you think me an idiot, your not demonstrating your abilty to ignore me, very well...
Cute cartoon middle finger. Are you 10?
Xbox... I think I've heard of that. A millennial, entertainment device? Used in lieu of living, life, real?
If you think me an idiot, your not demonstrating your abilty to ignore me, very well...
Cute cartoon middle finger. Are you 10?
Xbox... I think I've heard of that. A millennial, entertainment device? Used in lieu of living, life, real?
If you define real life living I’d rather be dead.
The wife and I had no plans to get the vaccines. We both tested positive for the virus with zero symptoms except for her losing her taste. (yeah, yeah, she lost that when she married me) But due to an 89 year old mother-in-law who is in full on panic mode, we decided to suck it up and get the vaccine. If this is how we get to spend time with her, so be it. Second round is tomorrow and so far, no side effect that 我们可以看到。这里一切都很好

Fear of a vaccine that has possibly caused blood clots in 6 people out of 6,000,000 while at the same time not recognizing the risk (at least to certain people) of a virus that has killed over 500,000 people out of 100,000,000.

None of that is to say that I agree with the “public health response” that occurred, but I love the irony of how people actually perceive risk.
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