Hotsprings ORV park Feb 6-7

That place is a lot of fun. I wish I could go. The family and I always go there a couple of times a year considering we live in Memphis and it's pretty close
We are going to have to reschedule this trip. My girlfriend has been sick all week and I woke up sick this morning...[emoji31]
Let me know the dates and time you will be there in April. We have been talking about going....would love to meet up with other WAL Members.
Roger that. We have fun out there. Usually don't ride anything to technical though. My jeep is pretty stock and don't have the money to tear a bunch of stuff up. Maybe we can get a few folks to go by then
Sounds good. My Wife and both girls love it. We have been wanting to go to Hot Springs and even talked about it earlier today. It would be more fun as a group. Do they have an area to BBQ there?
Sounds good. Wheeling makes me I hope we can get a group together. We enjoying cooking out. I am like you. Jeep is my Daily Driver. I seem to get a little Braver every outing. I set up an account for when I tear something is just a matter of time.
Coop9779 I hope you and your girlfriend get better soon. We have a lot of upper respiratory infections around here now....I have been lucky so far but those that have caught it have it a little rough for a bit.

Best wishes
I haven't gotten that far on setting up accounts yet ha. Actually I blew my engine out there 2 years ago at tax time so that where my tax money went. And that has been, by far, the worse thing that has ever happened to my jeep. And I also like good food when you've been riding all day. As of now, we are thinking about leaving Memphis Friday afternoon to get there early enough to set up camp and then get up early Saturday and ride all day
Maybe coop97 will be well by then and can join us, since he's the one who got this whole thread started in the first spot
I penciled it in on my Calender. I hope Coop9779 is able to go. I will tty before then and maybe a few more are able to make it.

My Wife had the idea of setting up an account. She seems to think I have a tendency to break things....and I do.
She smart. Mine just tells me about something else that the kids need ha. That's why I have been working 30 something days without a day off and I still can't buy nothing haha.
I retired.....and still I am with you....both of our girls are NEEDY. I have tried my best to explain the difference between need and want. Between my Wife and Two Daughters I am outnumbered and learned a long time ago where my Humble place in the hierarchy is.

I am lucky they enjoy wheeling. My 17 y.o. has been at it for a while. My youngest turns 10 this weekend....she gets driving time as long as the terrain is right and no one else is around. My Wife has vision problems and doesn't drive....but she can tell me how

We are about 3 hrs from Hot Springs. The drive there is beautiful. I am pumped...we try to go somewhere every weekend. We were talking about Hot Springs. I couldn't join Coop9779 this weekend because of my daughters birthday party.

We have a few short trails around here. It is nice just being out.
We try to make it to hot springs about twice a year. That's usually all time will allow with our schedules. And we are in the same boat as you. We live in Memphis and it's about a 3 hour drive hot springs for us. My wife never drives. I'm not good with explains things to her. Grandma and grandpa will come with us also. They just like camping. Plus it's good for us to have a baby sitter when me and the wife just want to ride a trail. We tried doing that one time when she was pregnant ha. That wasn't to good of an idea. That was about as good of an idea as, making her climb the stairs at neyland stadium a few months from popping the baby out ha.
But honestly my wife does like it so that's good for me. She just doesn't understand how much this stuff cost. And that's a loss cause trying to explain that.
Also I don't know how many other folks on here live around there but maybe they will chime in if they are interested. I don't know anyone on her and usually I don't say to much. Hell, anytime I have a question, I can about dern near read it through any of the forums that have already been posted on here.
Once I found this site I quit looking. You are can find most of your answers just searching. The experience on here is overwhelming. These guys just don't talk it...they do it. I spend a lot of time reading the forum. I don't have the experience to chime in on the technical discussions but I read them and am learning every day.

I feel fortunate that we have this wealth of information right at our fingertips. I am old fashioned....a little behind the times....a lot according to my daughters. This is the first and only forum I have ever posted on. It's the first one I had an interest

It is great the Grandparents can go. My family is really close.

We are looking forward to meeting you and your family along with anyone else that makes it that way.
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