I drove my jeep through a tree!!!

Real tree. 2400 years old and still kicking the roof actually scraped going through but made it through. Well loath the scratches.
Thought I was going to see some kind of wreck, but this is cool. My wife and I rode our Harleys through about 10 years ago. No scratches!!:thumb:

Yea I made it to the middle and my girlfriend said its gonna touch and when she said it will be just barely I looked up and I had an audience of like 20 people cheering me on, I said f it I'm going for it.
Edit. My "fiancé" lol still getting used to it it's been a week! She yelled at me when she read the post. Lol.
that is a very cool pic! I drove through that with my family many many years ago. Would love to go back up and take my minions to see it!
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