I'll be at moab this year , you can come and tell how you feel in person


New member
Ok, can you notify us when you have internet access again? Don't you have a smart phone? Or still using a flip phone?

Some people don't live to argue with people on forums, we actually have lives dealing with things like cancer , death ...so please excuse him if he don't spend every minute on here trying to defend himself he may have bigger issues at hand!

Originally posted here:
Some people don't live to argue with people on forums, we actually have lives dealing with things like cancer , death ...so please excuse him if he don't spend every minute on here trying to defend himself he may have bigger issues at hand!

You're right, some people do have lives and don't feel the need to spend ANY time defending themselves on the internet over a whole lot of nothing. Of course, if this guy really had a life, he wouldn't take the time to broadcast that he'll be back for more... just not in a timely manner. :naw:
Some people don't live to argue with people on forums, we actually have lives dealing with things like cancer , death ...so please excuse him if he don't spend every minute on here trying to defend himself he may have bigger issues at hand!

Since you quoted me, I "don't live to argue" with anybody. Lots of people deal with death and illnesses. Not sure what this has to do with anything. Do you know this person?
Since you quoted me, I "don't live to argue" with anybody. Lots of people deal with death and illnesses. Not sure what this has to do with anything. Do you know this person?

It actually has a lot to do with everything, we are all people trying to enjoy ourselves on these forums trying to mabey get a little escape from the real world ,I can't emagine what it would be like to have all the time in the world to set in front of the PC and try to think up comments to throw back and forth at each other , I'm not saying you do this. But wow I sure see a lot of it lately. Its kinda funny no one can rise above the smart ass comments and act like full grown men and lady's. We all have such a awsome hobby and interest in our jeeps . I always tell my husband jeep people are good people but if he were to come on the forums and see how we act that would be a hard point to prove.
It actually has a lot to do with everything, we are all people trying to enjoy ourselves on these forums trying to mabey get a little escape from the real world...

You have no idea how right you are on this. A lot of us do enjoy ourselves on this forum and it really can be a wonderful escape from the real world.

I can't emagine what it would be like to have all the time in the world to set in front of the PC and try to think up comments to throw back and forth at each other , I'm not saying you do this.

Don't get me wrong but, for most of us, comments come naturally and no effort is required. And, to be fair, we only throw back what comes our way. Not like we go around onto other forums just to stir the pot like.

But wow I sure see a lot of it lately.

Funny, I've always found that people have a way of seeing what they come looking for.

Its kinda funny no one can rise above the smart ass comments and act like full grown men and lady's.

You mean like you've done right now? Just sayin...

We all have such a awsome hobby and interest in our jeeps . I always tell my husband jeep people are good people but if he were to come on the forums and see how we act that would be a hard point to prove.

Oh please, that's like saying we're all Americans and we should all share the same ideas and values. Don't kid yourself, asshats can be found anywhere and the Jeep community is no different. Of course, your idea of an asshat might be my idea of a someone I'd call a good friend and vice versa.

If you can get off your self-righteous high horse for just a moment and look at everyone as your equal, you'd see that we're all just regular people - imperfect and flawed. If you can do that, you'd just have your life to live and nothing to prove to your husband or anyone.
You have no idea how right you are on this. A lot of us do enjoy ourselves on this forum and it really can be a wonderful escape from the real world.

Don't get me wrong but, for most of us, comments come naturally and no effort is required. And, to be fair, we only throw back what comes our way. Not like we go around onto other forums just to stir the pot like.

Funny, I've always found that people have a way of seeing what they come looking for.

You mean like you've done right now? Just sayin...

Oh please, that's like saying we're all Americans and we should all share the same ideas and values. Don't kid yourself, asshats can be found anywhere and the Jeep community is no different. Of course, your idea of an asshat might be my idea of a someone I'd call a good friend and vice versa.

If you can get off your self-righteous high horse for just a moment and look at everyone as your equal, you'd see that we're all just regular people - imperfect and flawed. If you can do that, you'd just have your life to live and nothing to prove to your husband or anyone.
Are you ok eddie?
It seems to me that Eddie has perfect clarity on the subject. Have you ever stopped to think about the level of bullshit Eddie has to put up with so we can have a free forum on which to participate? What I see are a few bad apples who either come here just to troll, or get their panties in a wad when they get an opinion they were not expecting. Lighten up or leave. It's really that simple.

Are you ok?
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You have no idea how right you are on this. A lot of us do enjoy ourselves on this forum and it really can be a wonderful escape from the real world.

This couldn't be more true for me over the last couple years and even the last 24hrs. :)

If you can do that, you'd just have your life to live and nothing to prove to your husband or anyone.

And this here is more than just a jeep, it's a way of life. You must of ordered the KoolAid with an extra side of psychology for breakfast. ;) I'm sure there will still be some dumbass comment, even to this statement, and even though it's dead on. Caused me to stop and truly think for a moment. Well said. :yup::thumb:
This isn't heat, I haven't lost one drop of sweat ever this. But your right I'm going to get out of the kitchen for a while and go ride my bike it looks like it's going to be a beutafull day here tiday:clap2::clap2:
Lol looks like you got a long life out of the 30. That's awsome your getting the 44, I'm in the same boat I've been running my 44 with 37,s and a ls3 just waiting for a break , but I ordered my prorock 60 last week lol. Congratulations on your new axle!!!!
Lol looks like you got a long life out of the 30. That's awsome your getting the 44, I'm in the same boat I've been running my 44 with 37,s and a ls3 just waiting for a break , but I ordered my prorock 60 last week lol. Congratulations on your new axle!!!!

Aren't you the same guy that got all high and mighty on here? I somehow remember you getting all self-righteous about how no one here can rise above the smart ass comments and act like the grown up you are? What brings you back to this cesspool? :thinking:
Wow you sure took that personal, you just can't seem to move on, I'll be at moab this year , you can come and tell how you feel in person!
Wow you sure took that personal, you just can't seem to move on I'll be at moab this year , you can come and tell how you feel in person!

No need to get your panties in a bunch. I was just surprised to see you back after you decided to leave in a huff. All I asked was a simple question and there's no need to get into a dick measuring contest.

Lmao is a girl scaring him

If you really are a girl, then yeah, you have me afraid.
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