I've read alot now it's time to say HI


New member
I’ve been reading on this forum for quite a while but have never said hello so I figure it’s about time. Now for my story… I bought my jeep 4 years ago with the intention of building it into a serious rig but things happened and they were not rig building things. It started out with a TV show about motorcycle hoodlums, you know the one. I’m watching the show and enjoying a Triple Karmeliet when out of nowhere some strange woman who apparently broke into my house said to me, “I think we should get a Harley.” When opportunity like this knocks you act fast and often without consideration for the side effects.
Thru this I’ve learned that I don’t think I need an extreme rock rig and my simple budget boosted Rubi on 33’s serves my purpose just fine. The Jeep has allowed me to run trails like Holcomb Creek, Miller, Last Chance, Nightmare Gulch, and camping spots like Monache and life is richer for it.

Some Pics:
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