Jeep Wave Counter


Web Wheeler
Wanted to start a thread for those of us who enjoy the Jeep Wave. Let hear it... What were your stats today?

I had only 2 Jeep sightings. 1 wave! 50%
:clap2: Nice!! I like this thread :thumb:

Have been out and about yet so for me, it's still at zero :cool:
Did a Jeep run last night with 8 Jeeps and got waves from all of them when we went our separate ways, does that count??? LOL:D
Serg5000 said:
Passed four and none waved. Sucks man.

No Wranglers wave in Palmdale, though I did get a wave returned on 14 last Monday from a Mojave Tan one, ironically while enroute to Mojave!

That was only my third wave since I bought my 2012 JK Sahara in December. Most JKs in this town are driven by soccer moms. They look at me and must wonder why some old fat guy is waving at them...

If you see a Cherry Red Sahara JK feel free to wave.
I had an old timer in a very concervative built 2dr give me a nod as he was staring at my EVO sliders on the freeway today. Does that count as a wave?
4x4Jesus said:
I had an old timer in a very concervative built 2dr give me a nod as he was staring at my EVO sliders on the freeway today. Does that count as a wave?

Hey I'll take it! A nod is better than a blank stare!
Serg5000 said:
2 out of 8.

Got 2 out of 3 Saturday.

Had my JK and two TJs approaching the same 4-way stop at W. 60th and N within seconds of each other. What are the odds of that?
There are so many jeeps in town I lose count. Got a few waves today, though more oblivious drivers and blank stares. :grayno: Also got one old lady in a prius staring with mouth agape and mouthing "oh my god" at the dirty jeep with no top. That's got to count for something right? :thumb:
I've been rolling around Tacoma with all the doors off ! It's been beautiful all weekend and I've only gotten 2 outta 4. Would've figured to see more people out
I'm running a bad streak of luck with waves. I was totally ignored by a woman in a JKU tonight. I got the ol blank stare. I looking forward to Weds night's Suds and Grub so I can get some waves. ;)
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