Just moved and wondering about neat places to visit


New member
Recently moved from 29 palms to Oceanside, CA. Wondering what local (inside of an hour) places are worth checking out. I like getting outdoors with my wife and kids as often as possible but the beach is getting a little old and now most of the good trails are a couple hours away.

Thanks for any tips!!
Recently moved from 29 palms to Oceanside, CA. Wondering what local (inside of an hour) places are worth checking out. I like getting outdoors with my wife and kids as often as possible but the beach is getting a little old and now most of the good trails are a couple hours away.

Thanks for any tips!!

Not a hell of a lot for jeep stuff. Palamar mountain has a fire road. Lots of hiking. Julian has a ton of hiking and outdoor stuff (maybe a little more than an hour).

As for jeeps, closest is probably Anna borrego.
Recently moved from 29 palms to Oceanside, CA. Wondering what local (inside of an hour) places are worth checking out. I like getting outdoors with my wife and kids as often as possible but the beach is getting a little old and now most of the good trails are a couple hours away.

Thanks for any tips!!

Guessing you're a Marine that transferred from the stumps to Pendleton. There are some fun places within a couple hours of you. Ocotillo wells is great for camping and offroad.
Guessing you're a Marine that transferred from the stumps to Pendleton. There are some fun places within a couple hours of you. Ocotillo wells is great for camping and offroad.

Yeah i was in 29 for seven years so i got really used to it, lots of offload/outdoor stuff to do outside the gate. Not so much the case here. Slowly figuring out the local gems. On the upside Anza/Ocotillo Wells are pretty close and I've gone to Corral Canyon a couple times since it isn't too far either. Really like Corral Canyon.

How's the wheeling up north of LA? Hungry Valley and Azusa I guess is what i'm mostly curious about. Also, is miller jeep trail still open?
Yeah i was in 29 for seven years so i got really used to it, lots of offload/outdoor stuff to do outside the gate. Not so much the case here. Slowly figuring out the local gems. On the upside Anza/Ocotillo Wells are pretty close and I've gone to Corral Canyon a couple times since it isn't too far either. Really like Corral Canyon.

How's the wheeling up north of LA? Hungry Valley and Azusa I guess is what i'm mostly curious about. Also, is miller jeep trail still open?

I was stationed at 29 also. I grew to like the place after awhile as well.

The annual Tierra del sol desert Safari is happening March 3 to 6th at ocotillo. I've never been, but hear it's a good time.

As for north of LA, Miller is fun and can be accomplished rather easy on 35's probably even 33's. I haven't been for a few years. I'm not sure about hungry valley as I've only ridden there on my KTM.

I've been wanting to do John Bull in big bear.
Check out Corral Canyon off Hwy 8, Rodriguez outside Julian, Los Coyotes in Warner Springs, Truckhaven in Borrego Springs. Not much here. Lots of trails in Big Bear.
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