LOVE IT or HATE IT? JEEP's New Slogan - “Zero Emission Freedom”

Yes, including hydroelectric, TOTAL renewable power production is only 14% in the state of Arizona.
Due to global heating and drought hydroelectric power generation is not as "renewable" as it once was.

Last time I was at Hoover dam lake Mead was 100% full. Now it is looking really bad.

With loss of glaciers, less snow fall, and rapid snow melt, this "perpetual" renewable resource may be coming to an end.
We install more solar cells. The good thing about solar cells is that they don't produce any nocturnal emissions. Best thing ever!
So long as it's in your backyard, that's fine by me. If it's by destroying thousands upon thousands of acres of virgin desert land and killing thousands of desert tortoises in the process, I'd hardly call that a "best thing".
There’s a nice 392 ad on the bottom of my screen right now😏

I grew up on gas as I’m sure most of us have. For me it was outboard motors on boats. I enjoyed the sound of the engine and even the smell of gas burning at a young age.

That said, I definitely support the 4xe. Looking for ways to keep our planet alive is a good thing.

I will say the whole motion to have a certain percentage of sales be zero emissions by a certain date does seem like society is trying to phase out gasoline. Still, I’d be shocked if humans leave any oil in the ground, and as most people have stated batteries are another finite resource that needs to be harvested in an unsustainable way.

Bottom line though is that climate shift and earth becoming less ideal for human inhabitants is still going to happen regardless of what Jeep we buy…not saying I won’t try and keep her alive though 😉
Ummm, I realize that reading isn't a strong point of yours but for the record, I NEVER said they were.

LOL - because Phoenix is only hot in June, July and August. But hey, you're the expert here.

LOL - says the guy who said if "you’ve never done construction in Maricopa - Dust will shut a job site down".

You mean like every state in the union has been moving toward for over a decade now. Yeah, it'll be any day now LOL

Awe, guess I struck a nerve with that one. Sorry about that LOL

Uh, DUH! That was my point boy genius.

Not sure how you have less gas plants when all cars need to be running on electricity but hey, you're the guy who knows all about things like what the EPA has in store for us in spite of NOT reading a damn thing.

LOL - Yup, I sure do and never wouldn't have a clue what it would be like to live in an area with almost 10 million people and for longer than you've been alive.

Only IF electric production was made by more than 14% from renewable sources. Sucks that isn't the case now nor will it be in the next 5 years.

Why all this is so hard for you to grasp is clear as day to me. Just like all the products of propaganda, you have to be right and I have to be wrong. And that's cool. You win, batteries are just a harmless waste product of energy, there are no gas power plants in Phoenix or there are but only turn on during June, July and August, construction dust can shut a job site down but isn't a contributor to the brown cloud and driving Jeeps that have a 20 mile battery range will end air pollution as we know. Got it. ✌️

I am not even sure what we are arguing about… we both agree NG/ICE pollute and contribute to poor air quality, therefore less would improve air quality - that’s not Fauci science.

And again, you obviously don’t know anyone in AZ in the construction business, because you have zero idea what dust violations due to a job. And you’re right, construction does contribute because of the trucks and heavy equipment that use ICE.

I read the EPA rule, nothing in there forcing companies to go EV. Just them making a business decision to remain competitive and profitable.

I never said manufacturing of EV cars/parts doesn’t have a consequence but the trade off is not as bad as what we are putting in the air. Oh, and batteries can be repurposed, companies are already figuring this out. How can you repurpose what comes out your Jeep?

Someone once said to me, that when you are arguing with someone, and they result to petty slurs or personal attacks then they clearly have no substance to their argument.
I am not even sure what we are arguing about… we both agree NG/ICE pollute and contribute to poor air quality, therefore less would improve air quality - that’s not Fauci science.
LOL - to be clear, you're the only one here who's been arguing. (y)
And again, you obviously don’t know anyone in AZ in the construction business, because you have zero idea what dust violations due to a job. And you’re right, construction does contribute because of the trucks and heavy equipment that use ICE.
As in, DUST DOES OCCUR and that's why it's such a problem and enough so that it NEEDS TO BE REGULATED. :rolleyes:
I read the EPA rule, nothing in there forcing companies to go EV. Just them making a business decision to remain competitive and profitable.
Funny, I read it too and to the best of my knowledge, NOTHING has been issued... YET.
I never said manufacturing of EV cars/parts doesn’t have a consequence but the trade off is not as bad as what we are putting in the air.
And clearly, because you say as much, it MUST be true - LOL
Oh, and batteries can be repurposed, companies are already figuring this out.
ONLY for a number of times. After that, they are WASTE - TOXIC WASTE.
How can you repurpose what comes out your Jeep?
LOL - you really have a hard on for the tail pipe.

What I can tell you is this. Once upon a time and in an America a long long time ago, way back before you were born, what came out of cars was so bad that Americans used science and technology to come up with ways to make engines run vastly cleaner. They also came up with things like catalytic converters to help scrub what didn't get burned. The result of it was nothing short of amazing and clearly, something you couldn't begin to appreciate. It is in my opinion that we could use this lesson to do the same with what little still remains. To use science and technology to find ways to REMOVE pollution from the air and convert it into useful solids or other materials or who knows what. THIS as opposed to preaching that the planet needs to be saved and by FORCING people to use halfass solutions just to make them feel better about themselves.
Someone once said to me, that when you are arguing with someone, and they result to petty slurs or personal attacks then they clearly have no substance to their argument.
Again, you are the only one here that I know of who is trying to argue.

Peace out brother. ✌️
And again, I'd like to state for the record, I REALLY LOVE the idea of electric vehicles. Again, companies like GM have done a MUCH BETTER JOB at selling me on the possibilities and it excites me. What I object to is all the drivel about how a Jeep that ONLY GETS A 20 MILE BATTERY RANGE is supposed to clean the fricken air and save the planet and that I should embrace it. Sorry, but I'm just not feeling it. If you are, more power to you but please, sell your religion to someone who cares.
Hahaha, hang on hang on, you're telling me Jeep's gonna stick those ugly ass charging stations on trails? Like hell they are, and even if they did they'd probably just put them on the select few trails on their badge of honor app...

Look I'm curious as to what electric Jeeping could look like, very torquey hopefully lol, but as some others have said, Jeep isnt there yet. In fact, nobody is there. Car batteries as of now are hurting the environment miles more than helping, and it's irritating why people believe cars in general are the problem, when it's that damned cow shit! Look at the numbers you fuckin liberals!!! 😂

As Jeremy Clarkson once stated on Top Gear: "You can't solve conspicuous consumption by using... conspicuous consumption." 👍
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Negative. Stellantis is committed to 70% of Jeep sales to be electric. Nobody is taking anything away... for now anyway. But, it really is just a matter of time.

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how exactly are they planning on getting to that magical 70%? If they truly are not going to stop production of traditional motors and options, they can make it so that only 30% of those produced are tradional thus showing a "reduced sales" in the traditional market causing the "surge" towards electric and using that as the impetius to stop production of traditional internal combustion
Well that wouldn’t have happened if man didn’t invent the automobile and change the climate.
The glaciers had already started melting in Glacier National Park in the early 1900s when most people were still using horses and trains for transportation. This suggests that our current climate started changing before the automobile became a thing. The industrial revolution and heating homes using coal (combined with continual population increase) would have started man-made global heating if we are to accept that concerned scientists and climate advocates are correct that observed changes are principally due to man.

If man is so harmful (e.g. due to expending energy to make stuff like cars), then permanent reduction of the human population by over 90% may be required.
The glaciers had already started melting in Glacier National Park in the early 1900s when most people were still using horses and trains for transportation. This suggests that our current climate started changing before the automobile became a thing. The industrial revolution and heating homes using coal (combined with continual population increase) would have started man-made global heating if we are to accept that concerned scientists and climate advocates are correct that observed changes are principally due to man.

If man is so harmful (e.g. due to expending energy to make stuff like cars), then permanent reduction of the human population by over 90% may be required.
The industrial revolution started in the mid 1700's and was mostly powered by steam from coal initially and natural gas in later years. It also wasn't terribly efficient at using those resources. So the fact the glaciers were melting in the early 1900's does not preclude it from being some or mostly driven by humans. Cars obviously did not contribute to melting at that time but now they are a thing. I'm not a proponent of 'electrify everything!' But if we as a society don't get this under control I'm a little worried about the world we will leave our kids.
I like electric cars, mostly because of the power and speed! I also like the thought of silently driving through some beautiful scenery.
The biggest issue I have is the "they will save the world" mentality. All that is marketing BS. What they do is allow people to feel good about themselves without actually sacrificing anything. If you really want to be "environmentally conscious" then stop buying a new car every two years and "upgrading" your house every five: in other words, stop consuming so much needless crap! If your'e not doing that then don't push your BS about electric cars!
The problem with them for my personal use is, they don't work in my real world! There is a you-tuber that takes long trips in electric cars, I watched him drive a Mach e Mustang from Denver to LA. He stopped four times before he got to Green River! I can't do that! I could fill up in Denver and drive to Salina Utah on one tank, he stopped six times by that point. Also, every time he stopped he had some kind of issue with the charging station which takes us back to Eddie seeing that poor lady stuck waiting on her car to charge.

I love new tech, but the savior of the world electric cars are not!
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As I'm sure nobody saw yesterday, it was just reported by NON FOX NEWS outlets such as MSN and the like that 25 cities accounted for over half of all greenhouse gas emissions. That's 52% of all the shit that's "killing the planet". Guess how many of those cities are in the USA? NONE!!! Guess how many are in China? 22!!! Tokyo, Moscow and Istanbul accounted for the rest. Of course, China is still a "developing" nation so they get a pass. :rolleyes:
As I'm sure nobody saw yesterday, it was just reported by NON FOX NEWS outlets such as MSN and the like that 25 cities accounted for over half of all greenhouse gas emissions. That's 52% of all the shit that's "killing the planet". Guess how many of those cities are in the USA? NONE!!! Guess how many are in China? 22!!! Tokyo, Moscow and Istanbul accounted for the rest. Of course, China is still a "developing" nation so they get a pass. :rolleyes:
IMHO. There needs to be strong international agreements for any of this to work. And there will be countries that won't comply and there should be adequate enforcement measure to get compliance.... Maybe take away a countries access to internet (which could be done) if they refuse to comply with whatever standard is mandated. China has also somewhat acknowledged the threat of climate change, over the past decade they have built 4 of the top 10 largest hydroelectric dams in the world. They're arguably ecological disasters on their own right but should slowly get them away from coal. They've also banned crypto mining which is a huge energy drain (they had coal plants dedicated to powering mining servers not homes).

I also know that china has lakes full of lithium tailings for all the battery's in the EVs which is not sustainable... There are better enironmentally (more expensive) processing techniques that could be utilized if required.

I know none of the solutions are going to be easy. None are going to be adopted 100%. Hell, maybe none of them will make a dent in overall greenhouse gases. But doing nothing certainly won't put us in a better place.

And as I've stated before, I don't think ICE will ever go away for multiple reasons. I drive an ICE vehicle. My wife has a hybrid we take on long road trips (unless the weather is good enough to go topless). We do what we can, but I don't ever plan to go back to reel mower. I just do what I can...
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