LOVE IT or HATE IT? JEEP's New Slogan - “Zero Emission Freedom”

I have to say. Electric vehicles have been way too politicized. I like electric cars, Hell, I bought my wife a Tesla. I think they’re cool and charging at home works well for us. We own it because it’s fun to drive and comfortable, not because I’m “saving the environment “
In fact I always make fun of my liberal, greenie-weenie family because I’m “saving the environment more than them and I’m not a dumb liberal” 😂

That being said there’s no real way to “replace” ICE cars.

I’ll keep my Jeep’s and the new TRX I ordered though lol
"Zero Emissions" cars for everyone! Better start building more coal power plants. I'm not a scientist but energy has to come from somewhere. It's not "Zero" emissions you just moved the emissions somewhere else.
Nuclear power plants produce very little in the way of carbon emissions.

However, it seems like a nuclear powered Jeep would be more efficient!
There’s no way the current power grid is going to handle all these electric cars and no mention of a plan to upgrade. There’s already rolling black outs from an overloaded system.
Since the big freeze, Texas's ERCOT has been issuing many generation capacity warnings. The grid which used to serve us well is now often at the point of collapse.
Weirdly negative response from folks. We’re talking about a decade from now, for starters, and a 40% US target. Nobody said anything about taking away your toys.

EVs at maturity will be nothing short of awesome for 90% of the off-road crew. Wildly better low end torque. Quiet on a trail. Fewer parts to bust. Rationally this group should be some of the most excited, if it weren’t for the politics of EVs . Yes, today the weight is too high and the cost isn’t quite where it needs to be. But fast forward a decade or two and I think anybody with a Hemi is going to realize they’re far from the top dog on the trails. Plus imagine having 40s without having to regear, and what if you could pay the equivalent of $1/gallon for gas around town? Jeepers get defensive about smiles per gallon; I don’t know about you, but if I could save a few grand a year in gas that pays for a lot of mods.
Finally. A person that gets it. I just watched Brandon Hangline (youtube) drag race a 6.4 SRT Charger with a 4xe Rubicon (minus seats & carpet). Obviously the Wrangler didn't win but it was far closer than I thought it would be. In a vehicle that can crawl through some nasty trails & still get you home doing 75mph on the interstate. Electrification is happening. It dosen't matter what your political views or preferences are. It all boils down to money. The cost to generate a a kilowatt through solar panels & other means is becoming cheaper than coal, diesel, natural gas. Nuclear power is dying because of regulation. Look at what all the for-profit electric companies are doing, they are investing heavily in solar, battery & green energy generation. All because it costs less (& they get government incentives but that's another conversation). The shareholders profit when the company profits. Infrastructure can and will change. Vehicle electrification is coming wheather we like it or not. One thing thats 100% certain, humans change, innovate, & adapt.
We are sooo lucky that we are living in one of the brief periods of warming between ice-ages. I say CO2 doesn't do much to help the greenhouse effect, but what little it does do, we should build the levels back up from our current 400ppm to at least 1000ppm. The plants and crops will do better, and maybe we'll stave off the next ice age just a teensy weensy bit. In the meantime, pumping out emissions where the cars and batteries are built is just as good as pumping them out of the car, I guess. I just think the gas engine is more reliable, robust, and easier to maintain at our current level of technology. Also, if we want to have zero emissions, we could just regulate Hydride and then run cars on Hydrogen gas, which we can split from water with low voltage electrolysis. The only by product of converting water to hydrogen is oxygen. We'll still need electricity for the electrolysis function. And we'll need Hydride to store the hydrogen gas in. But the technology to do all this has been known since the 70's at least, and we're not even looking into hydride alternatives, so that shows you all this talk of emissions and green is just posturing and politics. It has nothing to do with the earth or our stewardship thereof.

in my humble opinion..
knew it was coming, no dout it well be way out of my price line, but in the next 10 to 15 years all new cars well be electric, get your toys now.
I guess I don't really have problem moving towards EVs but clearly the infrastructure doesn't exist, and won't by 2025. Like many have said the hypocrisy around it and the way the energy is made is funny. Also there is no difference between the politicians pushing the agenda for EVs vs the ones supporting fossile fuels, they are just getting paid by different groups.
I find it hilarious at the democrats are making the big push for EV in this country. Every week there are stories in the news about power grid issues and they want millions of Americans to switch to vehicles that solely rely on the grid?

People are not thinking about how much KW EV chargers will add to the grid, especially the fast chargers.

Fossil fuels are and will remain the cheapest form of energy we have for the foreseeable future.
I find it hilarious at the democrats are making the big push for EV in this country. Every week there are stories in the news about power grid issues and they want millions of Americans to switch to vehicles that solely rely on the grid?

People are not thinking about how much KW EV chargers will add to the grid, especially the fast chargers.

Fossil fuels are and will remain the cheapest form of energy we have for the foreseeable future.
I'm guessing "Fossil Fuel" is just a term used to make sheep believe oil is in limited supply.
This all zero emission crap is bullshit… 🤬🤬 I’m getting tired of the push for it. Hope any company doing it loses money to the point that it will slap some sense into them.
I know... just an observation on the current situation and push for EV... It's always about money & fear.

I agree, it’s comical to watch the greatest country on earth hang themselves with their own rope out of stupidity.
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