Manual Disconnects or Anti-Rock


New member
At the moment I have manual disconnects for my front sway bar.

What pro's and con's would i need to be considering about switching to the Currie Anti-Rock system? I know the obvious pro that I won't have to manually disco, just wondering how much road handling I'll lose, aswell as offroad pro's and con's.
The pros is that you won't have to disconnect and you will still have good stability on the trail. The cons is that your on road handling won't be as good but, maybe not enough to matter.
I am running Anti-rocks front and rear on my Tj. You will not be disappointed in the way your Jeep handles off road. It helps keep the body lean under control over the disconnects. You can even Chang the amount of side to side body roll by changing the location of the link attachment on the arms. Pricy yes, but nothing good is cheap. ImageUploadedByWAYALIFE1370799659.362361.jpg ImageUploadedByWAYALIFE1370799719.862403.jpg
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