More of a wannabe than a newbie


New member
Howdy all.

I don't own a jeep yet, but I am here and restless until I get one. It's been 15 years since I've hit the trails and it's time for me to get serious again. I've been spending the past couple of weeks quietly observing the community of Wayalifers and I feel like I belong here. So I hope you don't mind if I park my jeepless fanny among you. I will probably spend most of my time here just staring and drooling as I dream of someday owning my own.:drool:

Thanks, especially to Eddy and Cindy!
Welcome. I browsed months before getting my jeep and equally felt at home. Good luck on getting your jeep soon. The only bad thing is this forum will add another 10-20-30 grand to your purchase price. 😉 Lol.
I had an 08 and was on JKO for a while, mostly just lurking. I have a 14 JKU and now I just spend my time on wayalife dreaming of the day Im not on 31's and have some extras. Welcome to wayalife!
First off Welcome to the Wayalife. Second have fun. Ask all the questions you have. Also search the forum for specific questions. There have been questions I had which were already answered. If you have not already found Project-JK I would highly recommend checking it out. A hot link is on the top blur bar. there is a ton of information there as well.

Welcome to wayalife! :standing wave: as will said this is like a family more than a community and well a lot of us aren't at the "JKX" level of our build but drooling will have to do :) .. Second I was told along with probably 90% of the members to run your rig (when you get it) stock for a while to see just exactly what your looking for? Best advice I was given

Sent from my iPhone on the west coast of florida
welcome to wayalife! feel free to poke around and ask questions to prepare you for what is to come. there have been many that have/are doing what you are doing by hanging and reading
Welcome to Wayalife. Don't worry I myself also was on this forum months before I received my JK, these forum members aren't just random strangers on a site, but rather a whole jeep community and family that come together to answer and ask questions.
Have fun and good luck!
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