Movies & Shows That Will Piss off Tyrants & Terrorists


Staff member
In lieu of all the threats the North Koreans have made against America and all because we believe in things like freedom of expression, I am going to exercise my right as an American and purposefully watch films and shows that will piss them off. Hell, for that matter, I am going to make it a point to watch anything that I can think of that might embarrass or piss off any tyrant or terrorist.

For starters, I'm definitely going to be adding Team America: World Police. Here's one of the best clips from the movie - I'm So Ronery feat. Kim Jong Il

Gonna watch plenty of Jeff Dunham shows especially ones that feature Achmed the Dead Terrorist. Here's a good one for the Christmas season - "Jingle Bombs"

Hell, for it's time, even the Charlie Chaplin's "The Great Dictator" would have fallen under the category of films that pissed off a tyrant and one that we DID go to war with.

Maybe it's just me but this whole cowering of America makes me sick. This song by Deuce entitled "America" is about how I really feel. When "they" point their fingers WE should flip one back and say "FUCK THAT - FUCK THAT".

You have any other shows you can think of that should be added to this list, please let us know :yup:
Great point Eddie. It made me absolutely sick to think someone could throw out an Internet threat and actually shut down a movie release! Where is our freedom of expression? And Internet threats? ! REALLY?? They should study some JKO and Butt Pirate to see just what idle Internet threats look like. LoL
This is one of my favorites and one that I will have to find again. Of course, I'm talking about the South Park episode where Trey Parker and Matt Stone bring on the profit Muhammad but have to dress him up in a bear costume as not to offend anyone. Of course, they got death threats anyway. :naw:

Okay, here's another great South Park where the kids watch a Family Guy episode that features as censored Muhammad and have to go to "Islam sensitivity training"

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