Mysterious Standing Water


New member
I'm back home with my parents for the break and haven't driven my jeep in a few days, but this afternoon I finally hoped in and noticed a fair amount of water in my front passenger floor mat. When I got back to the house it appeared to be a decent amount of liquid, so I pulled the section of Bedrug carpet the previous owner put in and pulled the drain plugs. After scratching my head and looking for signs of leaks after the massive amounts of rain we've been having down here, I'm stumped. The door is dry, the dash is dry, the top is dry, the seat is dry, under the dash is dry. I have no idea where this liquid came from and I'm trying to get it sorted out before retiring to school on the 11th.

Here's a pic after pulling everything: ImageUploadedByWAYALIFE1451585470.813116.jpg

As you can see it's only in the low section of the floor board. Any ideas?
Went and got some weather stripping and put it on, just as I finished it started raining so I went ahead and parked her in the driveway, we'll see what happens!
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