Need clarification (not to step on any toes)

Funny you should say as much but, I'd like to note that Cindy and I personally approve EVERY SINGLE MEMBER here and, I try my hardest to personally welcome as many of them as possible by PM. More times than not, these new members will take the time to respond back to me and at that time, I always ask that they say hello in the "Give us a wave" sub-forum. To this day, I don't know if a single one of these first time posters who've only come on here to sell their stuff has EVER responded to my welcome PM. I wonder why.

I think I responded to your PM, but I don't remember posting in the sub-forum. So...hi, my name is Brian and I live in a small town 60 miles west of St. Louis! Glad to be here!
I wouldn't blink too long on I80, you might miss Rawlins. Hopefully soon I'll be moving to Cheyenne.

Actually we know that area pretty well we used to run the 80 quite a bit. Driving a truck over Elk mountain should be an Olympic event in the winter.
Actually we know that area pretty well we used to run the 80 quite a bit. Driving a truck over Elk mountain should be an Olympic event in the winter.

No shit, I won't even attempt it in the winter or Arlington pass. I value my life way to much.
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