New guy from central California


New member
Hey guys my name is Chris and I just joined the jeep lifestyle, new to jeep but not new to offroad/trail driving. I have had about 5 suzuki samurais (only three of them road worthy). My current/latest samurai was pretty basi with a SPOA t case gears and 31's with a mini spool in the rear. Been watching wayalife videos on youtube for years. Recently bought a 96 xj 4.0 AW4 with a 231, hp30 in the front and a 8.25 in the rear, Bone stock. Plans are to eventually run 33's but for now I'm robbing the 31" km2s from the zuk and also stealing the winch as i am in prices of selling it.
Pics of said zuk.
That was the worst idea ever!
What I started with ImageUploadedByWAYALIFE1392263027.836017.jpg
Now to the xj
ImageUploadedByWAYALIFE1392263056.115404.jpgImageUploadedByWAYALIFE1392263076.750253.jpgas you can see it has some damage, I plan on going to the junkyard and getting a fender and I'll buy or make a winch bumper. Hope you guy like and looking forward to being in the wayalife crew!
This seems to be a mostly jk site but it gives me motivation seeing you guys do outrageous thing with ease that seem almost impossible to me. I've done a few trails, slickrock shuteye fire lookout, and little easy trail around he like corral hollow and hires cove rd. my local jeep club plan on trying to do the dusy ershim at some point this year assuming I get the xj up to standards. Ive heard many stories about the dusy that range from, "don't do it unless you have 33's , lockers, etc." to a guy I know who owns an auto parts store did it three times in his 77 cj7 with 3.55s, 31's and no lockers. I would have to say I'm way excited about getting this xj started. I love what wayoflife did with his!
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