NEW TV Show - One Car too Far


New member
Did anyone else see the premier episode of "One car too far"? Not a Wayalife production ,but pretty darn good. Too bad Eddie and Cindy weren't starring. Check it out, it really puts JEEP out there. Discovery Channel. What did everyone else think?
Sorry guys...rookie mistake...I meant to post this thread on "Jeep Life" Heading. Please forgive me.
unfortunately, we don't have cable or regular tv anymore and so, we'll have to wait until it's available online. i did see a couple of clips from it and it did look like fun.
I'm watching it now. Bummer they refer to the Jeep as a car. And while the show is sponsored by Jeep, they are driving a TJ. One thing is for sure though, I wouldn't want to "overland" my Jeep through the rain forest.
From the clips that I've seen, I'm not sure I'll be able to suspend disbelief enough to be entertained vs. frustrated. Some pretty boneheaded stuff going on there, but it's a produced TV show after all, so I get it. Cool to see more exposure for the sport on a mainstream channel.

Also, I note that they're running a proper snorkel, so we know they're legit. ;)
I'm watching it now. Bummer they refer to the Jeep as a car. And while the show is sponsored by Jeep, they are driving a TJ. One thing is for sure though, I wouldn't want to "overland" my Jeep through the rain forest.

i imagine that they ran an older jeep as they knew there would be breaks and failures. i could see how if this were a new jeep being used, that could potentially hurt sales. doing it this way, you could reasonably suggest that a new jeep wouldn't have the same problems.

Its pretty cool to see a semi stock Jeep do those things...

well, it is jeep and at the hands of a good driver, they can do a lot.

From the clips that I've seen, I'm not sure I'll be able to suspend disbelief enough to be entertained vs. frustrated. Some pretty boneheaded stuff going on there, but it's a produced TV show after all, so I get it. Cool to see more exposure for the sport on a mainstream channel.

Also, I note that they're running a proper snorkel, so we know they're legit. ;)

:cheesy: as a matter of fact, they are running a proper snorkel.

it's definitely a "show" and i'm all for it. i truly hope that it does well as it would help to open the doors to more shows like it.
I watched it, I thought it was was a decent show. One thing to keep in mind, the point of the show is survival and that they only have the 'car' to survive off of. That's the point, it could very well be a mini cooper or a Land Rover, they can only use what's in the 'car'. I did find the mud bogging segment quite hilarious. He drove right down the center in the soup instead of off the the side where it appeared to be more solid. I'm not sure of the drivers background, but he did alright in some other parts of the show.
i need to watch tv more. But the youtube episode will help, now to watch 42 min at work. Need to be sneaky :synister:

Alright, I watched first 5 minutes.


Ex-military/bad-ass guy who knows his stuff and is in excellent physical shape, helps a "not-so-in-shape" guy that doesn't know nearly as much as the first guy, and isn't comfortable in his environment, get through the mess they are in using a jeep.

I believe this might be the exact same premise as what will appear on the JKX video with GCM 2 and MTG!

Greg, will you talk to me in a British accent?

Alright, I watched first 5 minutes.


Ex-military/bad-ass guy who knows his stuff and is in excellent physical shape, helps a "not-so-in-shape" guy that doesn't know nearly as much as the first guy, and isn't comfortable in his environment, get through the mess they are in using a jeep.

I believe this might be the exact same premise as what will appear on the JKX video with GCM 2 and MTG!

Greg, will you talk to me in a British accent?[/SIZE]


Sounds like mtg wants more of an experience then just jkx.. lol i kid!! I am barely 2 min. into it
Alright, I watched first 5 minutes.


Ex-military/bad-ass guy who knows his stuff and is in excellent physical shape, helps a "not-so-in-shape" guy that doesn't know nearly as much as the first guy, and isn't comfortable in his environment, get through the mess they are in using a jeep.

I believe this might be the exact same premise as what will appear on the JKX video with GCM 2 and MTG!

Greg, will you talk to me in a British accent?



started watching myself but lost sound about 10 min in. :grayno:
Wasn't a bad show. Definitely have to keep in mind that its taped to get TV ratings but still wasn't bad. Hopefully it will pave the way for more shows like this.
Wasn't a bad show. Definitely have to keep in mind that its taped to get TV ratings but still wasn't bad. Hopefully it will pave the way for more shows like this.

honestly, i'm sure ALL of it was scripted down to the annoying comments. it's a show and far from reality - i understand that and like you, hope it helps to make more shows like this possible.
oh, i will also say that i find it hard to believe a show like this to be done here in america. even on this show's facebook page, there are people pissed off that they essentially cut through a pristine rain forest to make this show possible. i can't imagine anywhere here where you could do that without catching all kinds of hell.
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