Only Jeep owners understand


New member
These are a few things that i found funny because its so true that only a Jeep owner will understand

You cant hear your $300 stereo over the sound of your own tires
you use a hose to wash in inside and outside of your jeep
When the best route from point A to point B is through the rockpile or over the mountain
Your mom and sister can't get in without help
You carry along enough tools to supply a small garage
You can air up your tires without stopping at a gas station.
When your boss's secretary calls to "recommend" that you wash your Jeep
You judge every hill you see by how much fun it would be to climb
When you slam the door and chunks of dried mud crumble to the ground
That is fantastic and very true. I love the very first one because it's mostly true for me. :thumb:
I agree with everything except air. I dont have oba yet, but I have a york compressor waiting to be installed!
"When your boss's secretary calls to "recommend" that you wash your Jeep"

LOL. A few of my co-workers are offended that I got my brand new Jeep covered in mud and dirt. Then complained that I took 2 weeks to wash it.
The part with jeep being dirty. when i had my truck a lady reported me at work cause my truck was full of mud for like a week.
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