Pet Peeves - What Pisses You Off?

Enjoy this video of a "civil society, that has consideration and compassion for their fellow man". *Remember, it's just a damn TV, they will make more.....

Its just a shame that after all those people get in the building that it doesn't just vanish forever....
Enjoy this video of a "civil society, that has consideration and compassion for their fellow man". *Remember, it's just a damn TV, they will make more.....

I see a common theme in those video clips...

....yes, I'm afraid I am going to go "there"....

....if you watch this video you simply can't deny....

....there is something that is so obvious in almost all the videos....

....I know this won't make me popular....

....but someone has to say it.... word....





Oh the humanity!! :grayno:

BTW--the footlong ass crack at 3:23 followed by the nice FUP at 3:33 might be my personal favorite. :cheesy:

That and the woman putting on her wig at the beginning but then claiming to be hurt. LOL!
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I live here in Los Angele County. One thing is beginning to happen more often. People are driving with their high beams on. What the f...!!!
Because that is the day all the evil corporations are supposed to show a profit on their bottom line, some people view that as greed. That is actually something that pisses me off, that people think it's bad for companies to profit.
This is why I never go out in Black Friday, people go nuts for few bucks off, I wonder why they call it Black Friday??

The only black Friday i can remember hitting was at Turners a number of years ago. No lines, and the biggest challenge was choosing .308, 30-06 or .223. My kind of shopping. yup
I live here in Los Angele County. One thing is beginning to happen more often. People are driving with their high beams on. What the f...!!!

I went snowboarding when I was like 15 with A girl I grew up with in Orange County with...she was 17, And as we were driving up to snow summit I noticed that her brights were on... I told her, "hey, your brights are on" and she had no idea what they were or how to turn them on/off!!! I showed her and explained it, and she was blown away!! "That little blue light has been annoying me since I got the truck!" (Over a year) I was slightly embarrassed to call her my friend!! Haha. Still makes for a memorable story.

05 Tj, long arm, one ton, lockers, winches, 39.5" Iroks
But it's 10% off!!!

Lmao. The wife and I were just talking bout this last night. She said:

"if these losers would just work for the time they spend in line, they could afford a good tv and not the POS no-name they mark down to $200."

Smart lady. Made me fall in love all over again. Ha ha.

- Jason
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