Putting a top on a Jeep ...


New member



Putting a top on a Jeep is like putting a trailer hitch on a Corvette.

It was 22 degrees the day I took this picture of my (5th) Jeep.



Just to add a note about the WW II Jeep ...

Notice the guillotine bar on the front. The Germans would string wire across roads in an effort to decapitate allies traveling down those roads. The guillotine bar would elevate and cut the wire allowing the soldiers to pass without losing their heads.


Just to add a note about the WW II Jeep ...

Notice the guillotine bar on the front. The Germans would string wire across roads in an effort to decapitate allies traveling down those roads. The guillotine bar would elevate and cut the wire allowing the soldiers to pass without losing their heads.


We still do similar modifications now. The wire across the roads and trails was pretty big in Iraq. I haven't ran into it in Astan yet though. Not saying they aren't doing it their either, I just haven't seen it.

Just to add a note about the WW II Jeep ...

Notice the guillotine bar on the front. The Germans would string wire across roads in an effort to decapitate allies traveling down those roads. The guillotine bar would elevate and cut the wire allowing the soldiers to pass without losing their heads.


Very interesting fact -- thanks for sharing!
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