Radiator Fan really high and vibrating cab


Hi all,

Question for ya guys and gals. About 2 weeks ago my radiator Fan started spinning faster and vibrating my cab. Was having a whining noise too when accelerating. Took it in and they replaced the alternator. Whinning is gone, YA!, but fan is still going nuts. Any thought or ideas? I went through last summer without an issue.

Will try to get video clip up to listen too.

Sent from my SGH-M919 using WAYALIFE mobile app
The ECM controls the fan speed. It could be a bad sensor telling the ECM to run the fan faster or the fan module itself could be bad. Have you looked at the fan blade to see if it is damaged or a blade is broke? Does it do it as soon as you start the vehicle,even when the engine is cold? If you turn on the AC does the fan stay the same speed or run faster? If its under warranty take it in,they can see what circuit is calling for the fan to be on.
Thx, still under warranty so that is good. Fan doesn't seem to have any damage, but havent taken it out. Will call thedealer to drop it off again next week.
Have you looked at the fan blade to see if it is damaged or a blade is broke?

The fan is broke. Just got a call back from the dealer shop and they have it on order, sucks though as they have it on back order until next week. Leaving me without a vehicle. At least it we will get it done this week before the offroad classes.

The fan is broke. Just got a call back from the dealer shop and they have it on order, sucks though as they have it on back order until next week. Leaving me without a vehicle. At least it we will get it done this week before the offroad classes.


Glad you got it figured out, sucks it will take so long to get fixed though.
You never know how much you miss your jeep until you drive the rental car from the dealer. Granted, it was a sported out Dart, but it just didn't have that power behind the peddle.

Got the orange beast back today and was loving the tops off on the way home...

Sent from my SGH-M919 using WAYALIFE mobile app
Did they ever tell you what was wrong besides that's it's "broken"? I've noticed recently that my fan is also making a little more noise than usual and I can feel the vibrations in my steering wheel

Sent from my SGH-M919 using WAYALIFE mobile app
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