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Here's a little something else you can show to your lady when she's mad at ya :yup: ;)

Wow that was epic! For some reason he reminded me of a mixture of Chris B and Sharkey, in epicness of course. Btw Strizzy you are cooped up in that RV way too long it seems based upon your ability to find such quality videos for our viewing pleasure.
Damn chip repair on the road today by the county, some ass in a big dodge dually threw rocks all over my jeep, cause he wanted to do 70 and the highway signs advised you to slow down as damage may occur. Well not for him, but now I need a new windshield and banner. Thanks a lot moron!

Next time that happens get his license plate. You could get him for the difference that your insurence doesnt cover for the windshield. Don't think that they will cover the banner though.
Next time that happens get his license plate. You could get him for the difference that your insurence doesnt cover for the windshield. Don't think that they will cover the banner though.

What sucks is I didn't see it run till I got home, so I didn't have time to get the info. I am going to complain to the county, but I don't think they will do anything. They need to clean up the loose gravel they left on the road though.
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