RESQ1 sighting

Wish they would sponsor me. :crazyeyes:

You going to get koh tg's eventually greg?

I already had them once........ Long story, the post might be somwhere in the Moby V8 upgrade thread :thinking: or somewhere. I had a set of 5 given to me by Nitto, but I ended up sending them back. They were using my rig for a show, the tires showed up to late to get installed for the display of the vehicle, so I did the right thing and sent them back.
I already had them once........ Long story, the post might be somwhere in the Moby V8 upgrade thread :thinking: or somewhere. I had a set of 5 given to me by Nitto, but I ended up sending them back. They were using my rig for a show, the tires showed up to late to get installed for the display of the vehicle, so I did the right thing and sent them back.

Greg, you an an honorable man.
Doing the right thing when nobody is looking and then talking about it on a forum. :Bleh:

Im just kidding of course Greg. That was a very cool thing of you to do.

Saw this great pic of RESQ1 on another site from the Tail of the Dragon.

The photographer normally snaps pics of motorcycles and sports cars, so it was a surprise to see this:


Saw this great pic of RESQ1 on another site from the Tail of the Dragon.

The photographer normally snaps pics of motorcycles and sports cars, so it was a surprise to see this:


LOL, that is awesome! I have some Killboy shots on the wall from a motorcycle trip we took a couple years back with my parents, never would have guessed I would see his shots of RESQ1.

Nice find!
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